forum problems


hi all,

many apologies for the forum being down. a botched upgrade for a security patch is the problem. however, we have a new resource familiar with our forum platform to help with these administrative matters in the future, so hopefully we won't have any further events like this. thanks for your patience.

lanny (christine's DH)

Hi Lanny

Thanks for your hard work in getting it all back running again. I too have had computer problems, and have to take my computer to hozzie later in the day. I will be off the air for a few days. Hope it all goes well. I will catch up on another machine if I have a chance.


I missed having the forum around! Are many girls ( I think of myself as a girl) using the chat. Colehollow and I had a nice "chat" one day but since then, I haven't found any chatters online

I too am glad that the WWF is up and running again!

Thank you,


Oceanblue ♥

Another fiasco behind us. This one came out of the blue and there was no time to prepare our members that we would be down. Once down, Lanny was gone into all-day meetings and could not be of much help.

I have lots to say, but have a class to teach in a few minutes and then pot holders and chair covers to put on video.

Will catch up soon. SO SORRY to all who come to the site each day. I thought of you constantly.

:) Christine

So glad the site is back. Praise the Lord!! I know these things happen but have full confidence that we will not be forsaken!! Really missed all of you even if I don't always communicate with all of you. Read all your posts and feel like you are all my best friends!


seems like the forum has been down for years...ok, a tad dramatic maybe, but i really did miss it. so glad us amazing strong woman are back nattering online again xxx