Biofeedback; Confusion about Diagnosis


Hi Ladies,

Yesterday I went to the Pelvic and Sexual Health Institute in Philadelphia, who specialize in pelvic and urinary incontinence issues. I got some very good news: they said I do NOT have a prolapsed uterus at all. I have a hypermobile bladder neck and the thing I'm seeing that I thought was my cervix is actually my urethra. I have a very mild cystocele and a grade 1+ rectocele. Hooray! That's much better than a grade 3 uterine prolapse plus cystocele and rectocele as the physical therapist told me. However, I am now a bit confused and wondering whom to believe. I hope the urologist is right!

They're having me come back to be fitted for a pessary, which I figured I would like to try, and for some biofeedback. Anyone know what this biofeedback thing is all about, whether it is worth doing and/or has risks?

If indeed my condition is much better than I had thought, I'm feeling very optimistic about managing it. If I can just keep it from getting worse due to more pregnancies plus time and gravity, I'll be thrilled.

I wonder how the diagnoses could be so different? Apparently I need to learn what I'm looking at so I can decide for myself who is right.


Personally, I'd go with the "better" diagnosis and believe that with all my heart. The mind directs the body, and if you *know* you are in a good place then you *will* be in a good place! I'm thrilled for you and bet that you'll have no need of a pessary in a few months as you gain strength and reverse your condition. Was you PT a pelvic specialist? I am also under the impression (as a nurse in training) that only a physician is qualified to diagnose another person. You can of course diagnose yourself -- have you tried the WW self-exam? You're right, you gotta get under the hood of your own car, so to speak. But this is just wonderful news!

I have not tried the self-diagnosis -- I will put that on my to-do list. When I got home from the appointment, I did look online at photos of a cervix, and it did NOT look like the thing I was looking at that I thought was my cervix (and according to the urologist is my urethra). I couldn't find photos of the urethra to confirm it, but if a urologist doesn't know what a urethra looks like, then who does? The PT is a pelvic health specialist but I'm still inclined to believe the urologist. I think the "falling out" feeling I sometimes have is due to the rectocele, and I was thinking that it was a feeling of my uterus falling out. Anyway, I am feeling more optimistic now than I have in weeks. Plus, my period is ending, so I will be able to resume the firebreathing, which helps make things feel "lighter" down there, so to speak.

how long ago was your first diagnosis? It could be that they were both right and that your ww work has pulled your uterus up up up!
glad for your good news.
and *snort* 'get under your own hood' ? priceless...

I thought about that, too, but I have not done much WW work yet other than the posture (and am still working on remembering that) and a small amount of firebreathing. The urologist said my uterus was not even moving when I was bearing down (both lying with feet in stirrups and standing up). So I am really hoping that the PT was just wrong. I'm actually going to call her to talk to her about it and see what she says.

as far as I know, that would be used with pelvic floor exercises. which do have their place, but I still think are of limited value when talking about prolapse.

and yeah, go with the 'better' diagnosis. doesn't really matter anyway. so long as you are getting/feeling better it is all managed the same way.