When I first “cracked the code” on stabilizing and reversing prolapse, and wrote and published Saving the Whole Woman, I set up this forum. While I had finally gotten my own severe uterine prolapse under control with the knowledge I had gained, I didn’t actually know if I could teach other women to do for themselves what I had done for my condition.
So I just started teaching women on this forum. Within weeks, the women started writing back, “It’s working! I can feel the difference!”
From that moment on, the forum became the hub of the Whole Woman Community. Unfortunately, spammers also discovered the forum, along with the thousands of women we had been helping. The level of spamming became so intolerable and time-consuming, we regretfully took the forum down.
Technology never sleeps, however, and we have better tools today for controlling spam than we did just a few years ago. So I am very excited and pleased to bring the forum back online.
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Remember, the forum is here for two reasons. First, to get your questions answered by other women who have knowledge and experience to share. Second, it is the place to share your results and successes. Your stories will help other women learn that Whole Woman is what they need.
Whether you’re an old friend or a new acquaintance, welcome! The Whole Woman forum is a place where you can make a difference in your own life and the lives of thousands of women around the world!
Best wishes,
Christine Kent
Whole Woman
August 6, 2010 - 6:29am
Hello Grandma Joy, good morning from here
Ya know it might be a good idea to see a chiropractor to see what he thinks and maybe he can work with you for a while. I had my hip adjusted before I started the WW series because my hip was out. It really helped while doing the excercises. I would think we would want to be aligned as much as possible before we begin our new approach to body work. What do ya think? Food for thought.
August 6, 2010 - 1:02pm
hi grandma joy
grandma joy, this is the first time i have responded to a thread of yours, but i have read many of your comments and have benifited and felt nourished by your wise words since i discovered whole woman a few months ago. im wondering if you have ever seen a osteopath? i had great trouble with seperation of my pubic bones during my first pregnancy, very painfull and difficult to manage,hypermobile joints and bones travelling everywhere! i didnt get any help but saw an osteopath from the beginning of my second pregnancy and still see her now.she helped me so much, gently guiding my bones (mainly spine and hips) into the best place for them to be. she has a very holistic approach and was very interested in hearing about the whole woman approach.she is currently helping me greatly with my journey of healing after my prolapses. just wanted to suggest this route as i have found it so very beneficial.
i type with great love and admiration grandma joy, you are an inspiration to me.
blessings xxx tullyleaf
August 7, 2010 - 8:56pm
Grandma Joy
I have similar difficulties in not being able to keep my prolapse in when getting into the car, doing squats, Christine's exercises etc. I broke my hip three years ago which healed beautifully. This did not make the prolapse worse so much as just add difficulties like an aching groin when walking. It seemed like I was never without a significant bulge with frequent urination and bowel movements. My daily walk was confined to the mall (proximity to toilets, and flat, even walking surface, two flights of stairs, up and down, are maximum I do any one trip.) and was uncomfortable and mostly painful. I worried I might have been doing more harm than good. I followed a lot of the advice on this forum which you know already, but I will recount just so you know what I did. Altered my diet to check the frequent bowel movements. Also charcoal tablets when it gets a bit windy and a cup of red clover tea twice a day. I got myself a stationary exercise bike and began to ride it for five minutes, 3-4 times a day. Sitting on it was a matter of jiggling and using the seat to push the bulge in level so that it did not pinch. The best time is immediately after toilet. This actually got the prolapse to move upwards. I watch my favorite tv show standing up. I stopped all exercises which caused the prolapse to descend (and most housework and gardening etc.) Became much more conscientious about Christine's posture. Concentrated on the exercises that did not make the prolapse descend and did more of them. I found two especially that were most helpful which I will be happy to describe if any of this resonates with you and Christine can comment. She has done so much research and expended so much effort on helping us all from a sensible position that I don't want to hand over any misinformation.
Result since June: Can now do squats which are actually making that area stronger. My walks in the mall are no longer painful. I can complete the full circuit (twenty-thirty minutes) mostly without a toilet break (not always). I walk slowly and in posture. I've come a long way. I haven't solved the car seat problem. I tried sitting on a cushion but haven't found it to work. I'll keep working on that and let you know if anything. Hope something here is helpful, love and best wishes
August 9, 2010 - 12:03pm
post whatever you like
Hi Fab,
Of course, please post what has been helpful for you...that's what the site is all about.
August 9, 2010 - 12:28pm
fascia, bones, etc.
Dear Grandma Joy,
Here's something that came to mind for you (you may do this already):
Lie out flat on your back with arms stretched overhead and a small pillow underneath your lumbar spine. Just breathe into this most relaxing passive stretch. I imagine you might not be able to stretch your arms all the way up, but wonder if you can affect this area gently over time.
Gentle stretching and strengthening exercise plus the help of an external support garment might be your best course over the long run.
You know, my dh and I went out for dinner a couple of weeks ago after a long day of hard work. I felt pretty lousy prolapse-wise. For the entire time I sat in normal, right angle posture in a booth, but I really accentuated the posture so that my belly was pushed well over my thighs. When we got up to leave I couldn't believe how much my symptoms were improved.
I think for women with severe, intractable prolapse who can't exercise, simply mellowing out into WW seated postures and also incorporating breathing exercises and external support garments might be the best long term solution. This way, your symptoms may or may not noticeably improve, but they are also not going to get appreciably worse (like falling down to your knees - it just doesn't happen if you have a uterus.)
I look forward to hearing how you do.
August 9, 2010 - 10:47pm
Exercises for grandma joy
Thanks Christine for your encouragement
Both the exercises I mentioned I think come from Pilate (I've lent my books on Pilate and Yoga to a friend so can't say for sure where I found them).
1. The first is a pre-crawl position I have since seen my granddaughter do naturally. You need to get down on your knees and elbows with your forearms resting on the floor. This first movement will probably make your prolapse protrude a bit, but tuck it in and persevere. It's basically a rocking motion forward and back on your elbows and knees so that your chin brushes over your hands on the forward motion and the backs of your thighs nearly touch your calves on the way back. If you can turn your knees a little outwards this gives the exercise a further dimension.
I ignore all the breathing stuff that Pilate goes in for. That's too complex for me. I just breathe normally. This first exercise you possibly need to do on your own (I do) because those air noises can sometimes be invoked by it. I take this as a good sign not a bad, although I would die for anyone to overhear.
2. The second is on knees and knuckles. First you arch your back like a cat, hold that pose for a few seconds and then let your stomach drop and lift your head and tail up as far as you can.
This exercise should not invoke the acoustic accompaniment, but everyone is different.
I started with three of each of these and have increased them to a regular twenty each morning. I am now aiming to do another set around midday and late afternoon.
Grandma Joy you might find these a little vigorous for your condition at the moment and the stretching exercise Christine has described sounds like a good start. However, you sound one gutsy lady and so might decide to give them a go.
August 9, 2010 - 11:16pm
I think both of these are
I think both of these are great exercises. Though I'm a bit confused by the rocking motion of the first (mostly why rock and not stay stationary?)
Grandma Joy
August 9, 2010 - 11:35pm
Good food for thought on the body alignment! Yes, I have regularly seen a chiropractor locally, but in the last six months, it seems as though it made everything worse. I think this was because the muscles and fascia needed to be softened before an adjustment. I have tried others here in town, but they all adjust the same way (went to the same school!). I do see one 3 hours from here when I visit the acupuncturist, who is very good.
I wish you well in working on your pop and must say Christine's exercises do work!
Grandma Joy
Grandma Joy
August 9, 2010 - 11:48pm
Hi tullyleaf,
Boy, do I wish there was a good osteopath locally! I'm really glad for you that you have one who is "gently guiding" your bones where they need to be. I think the gentleness is paramount in helping one to heal. I have found a couple of therapists who were very good at doing that, but I only visited them while traveling with my husband, so didn't get long-term relief.
I do appreciate your kind words and wish you the best on your journey of healing. It truly is a joy to know I have been an inspiration to you and hope you will continue to steadfastly do those things that will help you heal.
Blessings xxx
Grandma Joy
Grandma Joy
August 10, 2010 - 12:21am
Thank you Fab
It really does sound like similar difficulties and I'm so glad your broken hip healed so well. Yes, I do watch my diet, eat organically and now I'm back on my probiotic. I will admit I became very lax on Christine's exercises because I was so busy trying to learn and fix all I could with the "locked up" spine I had. I was thrilled when I found WW, to know I could live with prolapse without surgery, so really didn't worry about it much, until the last few months! I do have just a foot bicycle I can use by putting a chair on a step with the bicycle on the floor. The stationary bikes I tried just were not shaped right for me to use them comfortably.
The two exercises you mentioned are very good for me. The rocking motion baby crawl position is one that I start Christine's exercises with, although I only do it a couple of times - so, since you pointed it out, I shall add several more "rocks". It actually helps position the bladder inside for me prior to doing the floor exercises in the WW center video. Since your post, I have been making it a point to walk slowly, which is hard, cause I've always been a fast walker. I'm also paying attention when I go up and down steps, noticing where the pain and pulling is coming from. So far as cushions are concerned, I can't use one as the passenger. I have a thin, flat pad type cushion I use when I drive. I use a thick, cushy pad when I ride in my son's truck. Both these pads are kitchen chair pads from Walmart.
Thank you so much for your care and concern, you have been very helpful.
Love and blessings,
Grandma Joy
August 10, 2010 - 12:39am
Why rocking?
The rocking forward and back seems to give my stomach and groin muscles a work out as well as the internal organs. I really need to strengthen these without causing my prolapse to fall in the process, otherwise what I gain on the swings I lose on the falls. I don't know maybe just taking the positions and holding them stationary may suit some people better. I'm glad you like them Alemama and thanks for your reply Grandma Joy. It's good to know you have already been using one of the exercises and that it suits you.
Grandma Joy
August 10, 2010 - 1:28am
Proof Positive Christine
The last year was bad, but the last three months have been horrible. The sinus infection with the resulting vertigo nearly did me in, not to mention the prolapse! However, there is good news!
I'm not sure when I started the WW video exercises, around 2 or 3 weeks ago maybe. I did them well for two days, then the vertigo hit, worked on that a bit, then did the exercises again, but was aching from the hanging out feeling. As soon as I would stand up, it just flopped out. I finally looked at it and it looked like the size of a big bartlett pear! Emotionally, that didn't help. The antibiotic I had the first week of July caused me to have severe cramps and muscle spasms and it was hard to do the exercises without the legs cramping but I have persevered. The last two weeks I have attempted the exercises at least once a day, would lay down a good part of each day and sit in a forced WW posture, much like you said you did at dinner - pushing your belly over the thighs. This would keep the bladder over the pubic bone but as soon as I stood up - it would fall out. Then it got to where it would stay in long enough for me to walk to the bathroom.
In the middle of last week, I started the "walking" (laying on the floor) and could feel tremendous pulling in all of the belly area, and had a stomachache for a couple of days and low back pain. This, I feel, was the fascia you mentioned when talking about the Nauli. I have also been getting on all fours on the bed, leaning on my forearms and rocking in order to bring it inside, so it would stay in all night. A 75 year old lady told me to get in that position, spread the cheeks til I could feel air and stay that way a few minutes in order to reposition it. I could actually feel it coming in and falling to the left, and the air was only coming in on the right side. So I did it again as she said til I felt it coming into the center.
The therapist I saw in Hobbs told me she thought it was positioned to the left because I jumped when she touched my abdomen just to the left of the pubic bone. I thought it was because I needed to use the restroom. Now I think I repositioned my bladder - is that possible?
At any rate, by Sunday, I was able to go to church and to potluck before it fell out again. Back to the couch and a book or sitting in the forced WW position. I think my back problems preclude me having the natural C curve when I'm standing but maybe it will happen later.
Today, I went to the library for more books to read (need escapism right now), it started hanging again, came back, bent over to put it in place, lay down, rested one hour, then got up with it totally inside and it stayed there while I actually did most of dinner preps! Totally inside for 4 hours this evening!! I am thrilled! It has "peeked" a little in the hours since then but is not out at this time.
Sometimes I do have to do the stretching you mentioned, although I have been doing that while laying on a long squishy pillow the length of my spine, so I can open up the chest area and stretch the latissimus dorsi.
See? Proof positive! I did not believe last week that it was going to come up but it did! Will it stay? I don't know but I certainly plan on it and I also plan on not being lax with the exercises either.
Thank you so much for all of your help. I do feel blessed tonight!
Much love,
Grandma Joy
Grandma Joy
August 10, 2010 - 1:35am
Re: Why Rocking?
Hi Fab,
I agree with what you just posted because I can feel that, too. It is a must for me to rock to make sure the prolapse is all the way inside before I start the exercises. Also, I can feel either muscle or fascia stretching on each side of the tail bone which helps not being so tight when doing the exercises. Evidently I need to do that because of the way my hips are slanted.
August 10, 2010 - 6:36am
Hi Grandma Joy love your posts
Been reading all the posts from you and others about the rocking. I start to follow ideas and then get slack and get in trouble. I have got to learn to be consistant. All these post I am reading this moring have given me ideas so will try. My tv is broken so can't do the excercises right now and to hard to follow the book. The repair man is coming Thurs. Some excercises I have trouble with like the plia(spelling) don't want anything falling through the cracks so to speak.:LOL
Never thought I would be in this situation. They teach sex in school, why not this,a special teaching for girls when they are young. Wish someone had told me then.
August 10, 2010 - 10:46am
Grandma Joy...glad to hear of the little gains in improvement.
About the vertigo - try to be very careful to keep your neck and head pulled up throughout the back and your shoulders down. The most common cause of vertigo is compression of one the cranial nerves at the base of the skull. It gets that way from knotted muscle tension and swelling. I experienced it several years ago and it was completely paralyzing until I was able to go to the acupuncturist - an older Chinese man who knew exactly what it was and how to resolve it. x
August 11, 2010 - 9:16am
Question Grandma Joy?
What is the walking Christine is talking about? Do you lay on your back and lift your legs up some like you are walking? Kinda confused about that? Also do you have a rectocele or cystocele, if you don't mind me asking? "walking while laying on the floor.?"
Thanks Grandma Joy,
August 11, 2010 - 10:45am
floor exercises
Those are in the virtual WWCenter on the membership side of the site.
Grandma Joy
August 11, 2010 - 8:20pm
Hey Heavenly
Thanks for your comments. At this point where I am, I must tell you that it is consistency that is paramount in doing what we have to do. I have learned this the hard way because I had "too many" other things going on. These last two weeks have taught me to finally take time for myself, to go slow, to concentrate on what I'm doing and to be consistent about it.
There is no quick fix but with what I have experienced lately tells me I can "fix" a large part of it. Sometimes it's hard to accept things that happen to us and in the beginning I was not overly concerned about the prolapse, thus I did not maintain what I should have been doing on a consistant basis.
I have had some wonderful encouragement lately from the ladies here, and know that you, too, will find comfort here.
I wish you well and encourage you to set up and maintain a schedule you are comfortable with in order to start seeing some improvement.
Also, I see Christine has already answered your last question to me, so off for now.
Grandma Joy
Grandma Joy
August 11, 2010 - 8:32pm
Still doing ok
Thank you for the reminder about my neck, Christine. It dawned on me yesterday that this last bout of vertigo was coming from my neck instead of my ear. I've also noticed I am catching myself holding my neck crooked and my shoulders up, so have tried to be aware of that all day. I will be going to the acupuncturist in the next couple of weeks, wish it could be sooner but just don't see how, yet.
I must say the prolapse is UP, has stayed up with only a little "peeking" yesterday evening and even less today. I also "sense" a small feeling of strength in my lower back. I am so pleased! Last week I was really in the dumps thinking the absolute worst. It takes a lot for me to say "uncle" but I was almost to that point. Perish that thought!!!
Many thanks, love and blessings,
Grandma Joy
August 17, 2010 - 9:51pm
Standing up
Hi Grandma Joy
I learned a new way of standing up from sitting that doesn't involve so much bracing of the rectus abdominus, which is what I think pushes the bladder back and down.
When you rise from sitting, keep your hips flexed, so your knees straighten first. Then straighten your hips second, up into WW posture. This was demonstrated to me as a way of dealing with troublesome knees. It is a Feldenkrais technique.
It keeps the bladder over the pubic bones until you are upright. Hope it helps.