kneeling chair


Has anyone tried the kneeling chair?My girlfriend brought me the literature on it and although it sounds fabulous for back problems, having your pelvis slanted downwards for hrs cannot be good as the organs to slide down and causes more pressure on the pelvic ligaments and muscles.
That is my persception of it.I may be wrong.I would like to hear other people's input on this.

I used to use one years and years ago, well before I knew anything about prolapse. It was fabulous for my back and iirc, the position of the pelvis is not really 'slanted down' but tipped forward, which is a pretty good position in terms of where you want your pelvic organs to be. it would tip them forward, in front of the 'pelvic floor' and not above it. shouldn't put any undue pressure or stress on the pelvic ligaments and muscles.
but again, its been awhile.
am curious to hear what others may have to say

re the tilting forward but not down, I was worried that it would force the organs down more and cause more work on the muscles and ligaments.
thanks for giving me that tip

I had one that I loved in all aspects except the pressure it directed to my knees - had to give it up because I couldn't sit for more than a few minutes without aching knee caps.

the one I used had a small ridge like thing, so the pressure was not on the knee cap but on the patellar tendon. much like a below-the-knee amputee would wear a prosthetic leg.
wish I knew the name of that chair or where to get one, I used it in P T school way back when. there were a couple floating around and we all used to fight over 'em.
but you could probably rig something up, like taping on a padded ledge to take the weight to the tendon.

You rested your shins on the kneeling part- knees kinda stuck out the front- it was great.