A husband's guide to prolapse


Hey Lanny

I just read your wonderful article in the Library. Thanks for writing it. There is no way I could explain it to DH better than you have.

Go check it out, everyone. I am sure there will be many better informed men out there on the planet in a couple of days if you print it off and give it to your man, or leave it in the bathroom, or in his beer fridge or wherever he visits frequently, looking for some time out.


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To all the newbies who no longer feel sexy and think their sex life is over and they are worth less as a result of prolapse,

Lanny Goodman, Christine's husband, has written this wonderful article about Prolapse for husbands. POP has the power to scare the living daylights out of husbands and lovers. Keeping the communication door open. Print off the article and give it to your man to try and demystify it for him. Men have a different perspective from their wives.

The more it is discussed the less power it has over all of us. You can find the article in the Library, under Articles by Lanny Goodman.
