just received saving the whole woman in the mail


I recently got my book/dvd in the mail and am shocked! I cannot believe that on only page 5 our ancestors were discribed as once having a tail! We are not nor ever were an animal. We are not animals! We have a soul and we are humans! Even if we were animals and ran around on four legs we could still prolapse. I appreciate the new perspective on dealing with prolapse but because of how the book starts out I struggle to trust it.

I have "moderate rectocele and a small entrocele" according to report from the defacatogram exam I had. I am 66 years old and have had 2 children. I am very interested in doing the WW posture and exercises and plan to order the DVD and book, but I am concerned that I won't be able to know if I am doing the exercises correctly. I've tried to do some of the exercises on WW village site and could not sit on my heels. I also had problems following the instructions on U-tube for the WW posture. I need a coach to help me! Is there anyone in the San Jose, Ca bay area that has been successful in doing the WW posture and exercises that I can get together with for help?

HI New_mamma
I am so glad you got the book / dvd--i'm sure you are going to benefit so much from it!
You know, we could go into a very long debate about our evolution and where we came from, that would reflect all our individual beliefs, religions, journeys, learning, etc...a debate that, as we know, can go on endlessly as people feel very strongly and differently about where we have come from. And for some, there is a place in their beliefs for several theories...
I guess my thought however is that that debate isn't going to get us much further in healing our prolapses. It would probably just get some people very excited, and some very upset. So maybe it's best to honour that lots of us have differing views, but we share sooooo much! Look, we are all here! I love what binds us as women...

I hope you can accept this as a view from Christine's extensive research about our structural evolution, one that for many is their primary belief, and for others co-exists with their other beliefs about how we came to be who we are. Keep going with the book--so much to come!, and look at all the women for whom this has resulted in amazing changes to our POP. Take your faith in Christine's work from that, regardless of what you feel about our evolution. Clearly you felt inspired to order her books / DVD based on what you've found out.
I know for me, Christine's work and this forum has opened me up to so many different ways of thinking, whether i agree with them or not. It's about opening my mind and my body to new ways of thinking and being, and seeing how they sit with me. Some i embrace, others i keep as something interesting but not something i take on, and others still i might completely disagree with. But i figure I am a richer person for having explored each one, and accepted it as part of the wisdom that is out there, regardless of if it becomes mine.

Enjoy the journey through WW and the excercises, and do keep us updated on your progress!

Well said, kiki.
I don't want to get into the debate side of things either but I am thinking that for the sake of your POP, new-mamma, how about taking belief systems out of this and look at the science of the mechanics of the pelvis, which is why we are all here? Christine explains quite clearly in the video why animals do not prolapse, and since the structure of our pelvic organ support system is quite similar, we are protected as well if we utilise this system. Perhaps it will help to look at the facts and science that way rather than a system of beliefs so you can continue to benefit from WW without compromising your ideology?

I can imagine how you feel. It would be like someone telling you the world was flat and then expecting you to believe anything else they had to say.
The book has an amazing bibliography and is very well documented in it's research. You can actually read the books referenced there and that would be a wonderful starting point for your own research.
Beyond that, take what you can and leave the rest. It is an amazing resource for women suffering with prolapse.

I recently read a book that talked about animals as having a group soul. That was a concept that I had never heard of and intrigued me to no end.

Hi New_mamma

I respect your beliefs as being valid for you. The ancestors of humans may or may not have had a tail. I don't think that is what Christine is saying. Whether or not humans should be classed as animals is also not really relevant. All vertebrate animals and humans share a common basic skeletal structure, whether they slither, walk, swim or fly, an all mammals have very similar musculoskeltal anatomy. Primates (apes, monkeys etc plus humans), a taxonomic subgroup, are even more similar, but as you say, very different from humans, the only bipedal primates. All the primates have either a tail or the vestiges of a tail, in the coccyx. Christine has *compared* the 'machinery' of a tailed mammal with the 'machinery' of humans, and how the pelvic shape differs, according to whether they are quadrupedal or bipedal, and whether or not they have a tail. I have seen other writers do similar *comparisons*.

We all communicate via our belief systems. If you can look at this purely from an engineering position, which is what I think Christine was talking about, you will be able to be open to understanding what anthropology, archaeology, paleantology and science demonstrates; that there have been living things and civilisations before our time that were different from those that exist in the 21st century. We have even seen species decline and disappear in our lifetime.

I have always been an avid reader of National Geographic and have followed their stories about human evolution with interest for many years. However, I visited the Hall of Man at the Natural History Museum in New York a few years ago, and have now seen for myself some of the fossilised skeletal remains on which these NG articles are based. I was struck by how many wild conclusions they have drawn from such scant remains.

But that does not change the engineering similarities between animals of different species and different eras, and I don't think it changes the truth of Christine's work.

Discovering the truth can be a rocky journey, for sometimes we are faced with evidence that challenges our longheld beliefs. Scientific discovery is about seeking the truth, and dispelling old theories because they are not congruent with what we have just discovered. Good old fashioned logic and academic rigour may eventually clear the waters in any scientific field but there are some waters that will remain forever muddy. Many scientific theories have gone by the wayside, never to be raised again, eg do people these days ever challenge our belief that the world is round?

I am sorry that you find page 5 such an impediment to your will to understand what is happening in your body. I think you have two choices. You can either close the book and look for another book that explains your body within your own belief system, or read it for what it says. If you read on you will see that p5 is only a teeny weeny bit of the book. Most of it is about the reality of POP as we experience it.

If you are going to reject any books or resources that contain a statement that is outside your belief system you are going to severely limit your own understanding of the world, and that can only lead to limited perceptions of reality. Please at least read the book and accept what you can of it. We all have to leave our current beliefs behind us when we are investigating new things. Otherwise we run the risk of throwing out the baby with the bath water.

We can all pick one statement in a case that we do not believe, or that is wrong, and use that error to convince ourselves that the whole case is wrong. However, sometimes I think we do that because we do not *want* to change our beliefs, or we have a stake in maintaining our existing beliefs, rather than growing in our beliefs and developing them further to find our own personal truth.

Another very good reason to read things that we think are based on erroneous beliefs is to test our own beliefs. One thing I am sure of is that 'the truth' is far more important than 'faith in somebody else's truth', when that person will allow no questioning of their truth.


Well I have learned so many things from Christine, the site and all of you. I do understand the tail issue also. I have had to give some thought to that myself. After "chewing a while on that information given" I came to my own conclusions, they were the same as louiseds. Great and helpful info on this site. I understand Christine is looking at the workings of our machinery and we are a machine in a sense. If we don't keep our oil changed and parts fixed when they need it, we will only get worse.!We all have the choice to choose what we feel right about and reject whatever we do not agree with. I understand what New mamma is saying and we all have a choice about what to do with things we don't quite agree with but that is ok. Let's remember to never throw out the baby with the bath water!!!LOL This is a fantastic site with beautiful people and I thank God for Christine and all of you !!! I check the site daily and always gather new information.
Love All

I am just a little younger than you and I say it's never too late to give our body some help along the way.I have made some posts in the past with the same questions as you. I can not sit on my heels. Have tried the pillow and all but still difficult. I was so discouraged just starting out and wanting to do everything perfectly. You have to order the DVD and book Jessy! Without those it would have been very discouraging for me . When you watch the DVD things will become clearer and if you have a question just get on this site and post. That is what I did and still am doing. I had to watch the DVD many times and look over parts of the book over and over. Chin up!! We are here for you. For now do the best you can. Do what excercises you can. Most importantly for now, sit up straight, stick those beauties toward the sky and think tall and proud!!!Walk the same way, beauties up, stand tall and proud like you own the world. It is not as easy as it sounds, but I am doing better. While driving, the same beauties up, back straight, loosen those tight pants and let the stomach relax my love. Let the good times roll!!
Stay with us Jessy