pain in tailbone area


The last couple weeks I noticed that laying in bed (on my back) causes pressure and some pain in my tailbone area. Is this possibily connected to my uterine prolapse?

The other thing... Ok this sounds like WAY to much info but anyway. Last night my hubby n I had sex while I laid on my belly. Today my prolapse never came out! It was thrilling!!! Was this just chance or could it have been the position we had sex in? Are there certain positions that are not good for prolapse? Just curious and dunno...

Dear new_mama

I experienced some soreness in my tail bone when I first started sitting in posture on a hard floor.

As to suitable sex positions, maybe you can write the Kama Sutra for ladies of the prolapse.

Don't mind me asking: Have you seen your doctor?

I have only one comment on that. Penetrative sex is good for prolapse, full stop. I will leave it to you to work out which positions work better for you. Just remember that your vagina leans back, then turns right angle forwards just before the cervix, so the cervix normally comes in right at the top of the vagina on the front wall. I would think that if you are on your tummy you might benefit by raising your hips on a couple of pillows so your butt is sticking up, and your lumbar curve is in place. This means that your vagina does not get pushed forwards with thrusting. WW posture works for sex too! Arms up helps keep the lumbar curve too, just like Christine's wing flapping while walking.

Orgasm does some weird things to your uterus too. It has to be good!

Don't give up sex. It is your friend! And your DH has a new and very important job to do for you regularly. ;-)

Now I think of it, I wonder if your uterus is retroverted, which might cause the tailbone pain, so your vagina may be lean further forward than normal, which might be why the sex position was fine for you. If it works, keep doing it. With nauli, firebreathing and WW posture retroversion may correct itself in time. I would be using the pillows to help it along. My uterus used to be retroverted, and sex on my tummy is not as comfortable since it has flipped. I use pillows and it feels much better.
