Pessary and Estrogen Cream


Hello everyone,

I have a grade 3 cystocele. No surgeries and do not want to have surgery. I am strongly considering getting fitted for a pessary. However, I read on the internet that post-menopausal women will be required to use estrogen cream a few days before being fitted to insure the pessary does not irritate. I have tried estrogen cream in the past and had a bad reaction to it. I am highly sensitive to a lot of things. Yet, I can understand the need for something because when I tried the sea sponge and even a tampon, there was bleeding and tearing from irritation. Now I am using Almond oil and olive oil to lubricate and that is helping. Please let me know if estrogen cream is necessary for using a pessary in post menopausal women.

Thank you,

estrogen is not necessary for pessary use. A good lube will work just fine.