Message from the Sheriff re privacy. PLEASE READ


It has been brought to our attention that there may be registered Members who visit the Forums and login under their genuine username, who are using Wholewoman’s personal email feature to make email contact with Newbies for the purposes of taking them to another POP-related site which is not altogether in harmony with Wholewoman. If you are new to Wholewoman we urge you to be a little wary when answering emails from Members via Wholewoman, ( ie sent through the site in the normal format) if you are not already personally acquainted with the username, and know a little about them from the Forums.

This is just a caution to remind all members that replying to an email sent via Wholewoman Forums does give the recipient your email address, though it is a one Member at a time exercise only. Bulk email addresses are not easily ‘captured by hackers’ from Wholewoman. If you have never received a personal email via Wholewoman and want to know what one looks like, click on the link to my profile, “louiseds” and send me a message. I will reply to it (if I know you from online). Then you will know what a genuine one looks like.

We do not know much about Members who register a username. It may be that there are other people as well, posing as Members, collecting email addresses in this way. We do delete Members who have suspicious usernames and email addresses, but sometimes we get it wrong. Sorry.

If you have received an email via Wholewoman and think the person was trying to take you to another site, be aware that it might not be a site that *Wholewoman* would think is very useful. Please print it off or otherwise disable the link and let us know who sent it to you so we can all decide if they have acted unethically. As normal, delete the email in case the link is malicious. If you know and trust the person from these Forums there is no problem. We are not trying to stop Members talking with each other privately, as long as it is not against the interests of Wholewoman and its Members.

This is not because we think they are cyber-criminals, but because their contact is unsolicited and it is not good netiquette on their part. We recognise that all women will find the sites that they want to find, and that the Wholewoman approach to POP management is not everybody’s choice. All women are free to use whatever resources they find useful for managing their POP’s.

We are unashamedly promoting non-surgical management of POP, which we know is grounded in truth, and it can work really well for minimising symptoms and healing the inner woman. We hope you get what you are looking for at Wholewoman Village.”


Thank you for the information Louise, and thank you for the alert!

thank you sheriff louise for your comments. to help reinforce this point, i have added the following paragraph to both the registration guidelines when members first click on the "create account" link and also in the confirmation email new members receive with their temporary login.

While your email address is not visible to other members on the forum, if someone uses the forum system to send you an email and you respond, that person now has your email address. In the past, some forum members have made unethical use of this feature to recruit members to other websites for their own personal interests. We work hard to block members who engage in these activities, but we cannot guarantee prevention. Be very careful about responding to emails sent from other forum members.

Hi All

We have recently has some Members posting who appear to be not genuine in their stories, or may be a previous Member registered under a new username, intent on mischief.

Be a little wary of comments from Members you do not know much about. That doesn't mean ignore Newbies in fear of your life! All Newbies are welcome. It is just another aspect of people on the Internet sometimes not being who they seem to be. Nobody's privacy has been breached. Just make sure that you maintain your own privacy.





Edit: Sorry everyone. This is a test post I did yesterday to prove that you didn't need html code to insert a block quote into a post. I didn't mean to leave it here.

As in this example, just do a paragraph break, put your quote in quotation marks, and then start the next paragraph. I tried to use Lanny's html Block Code but I couldn't get it to work. Just typing it works too, as you can see but multi line quote cannot be indented. If you want to indent it you will have to do it with proper html coding, which is to insert at the beginning of the quotation and at the end of the quotation (but without the spaces in the HTML code, which I omitted to prevent the Forum software thinking I was inserting a quotation into this post).