Trying The Natural Approach To My Health And Well Being


Three weeks ago I had my baldder prolapse to third stage. Since this happened I have been trying to find a doctor that uses a more natural approach to my health. So far my GYN pused for surgery until the pre-op showed that my other health issues made me a poor canditate for surgery. Now I am left pretty much on my own. Tried a pessery fitting and it was so painful that I have not been back to try another one. Looking for info on home made pesseries and if there is a site that would list doctors that use a more natural approach. In the past seven years (since my gallbadder was removed) my health has gone down hill. I have been sent to specialist after specialist and with each visit I receive more bad news. Auto-immune probs, high blood pressure, hypothyroid, IBS-D, suspected UC and now prolapsed bladder. The list keeps growing. I am waiting on my Whole Woman bundle and I am trying every day to gain more knowledge about my bidy and why this is happening. I am 59 post meno. Many of the wondeful members here have offered insight and help. Thanks so much! I was so scared, but each day brings a little more calm. I find that walking or standing for extended times does cause pain and the bladder seems to want to make it's exit. Then I try to remember that quality rest is vital. I am trying the anti-inflamatory diet and want to try the natural, earth based approach to health and well being. It seems that today doctors pushing pills and surgery. With all the health issues I have surgery is a no go and besides....I had such a hard time with the gallbldder sirgery I can just imagine what I would go through with this surgery. So faith keeps me looking for more info and sites that promote natural healing for women's health. If it had not been for this wonderful Whole Woman site I would be a total basket case. I have been welcomed warmly and gained strength through the advice and kindness of it's members. I feel like this is a life journey. Just seeking a calm spirit and comfort for the body.

Hi SweetRoseMarie

I assume that you are in the USA. I do not know how much medical practitioners can promote their own philosophy in advertising, but there might be sites where you can find these doctors. Look for the words 'holistic', 'wholistic', 'alternative' etc, when you google them. It is not easy. shopping around might be the go.

One thing I would encourage you to do before doctor shopping, is to get copies of all the results of tests you have had from different doctors, which you can take with you on your 'shopping' trips. That will avoid unnecessary duplication of tests. I think you really need somebody who will look at your health from a whole person perspective, rather than a doctor who only orders and reads test results. Surely, this is not too much to ask?



Good morning all. I am still waiting on my WW bundle so I have been trying to use the WW posture that is shown on the short youtube clip to get myself stared on the program. First question: I must be doing something wrong. It is like one time it's fine and the next the bulge is back seemingly out further than before. I'm third stage cystocele. Also find that using the posture makes my klower back hurt. Is this normal to begin with? Quetion #2 Has anyone used the diva or moon cup #2 to help with the bulge? I have now tried three differnt shapes of pesseries and nopne have been comfortable enough to wear. Taking them out was a pinful thing indeed. Thanks so much for any advice given. Rose

Morning Louise, Yes, I have that huge pouch of test results for the new doc. Still looking for one though. Seems that this will prove to be a chore. My family doctor is pretty good about alternative healing, but this third stage cystocele is out of her area of expertise. I have been doing some research and have found some sites online that offer info on alternative and holistic healing and health. Since I have so many health issues and the allergic reations to many things doctors see me as a risky patient. Some have even told me they would not treat me due to these problems. Looking back...Just to give you an idea of what I go through....was sent to one of the best allegist in our state. Had been having unexplained sweeling and hives. He said he would do some testing. So I'm sitting on the table and he is applying allergins to my back. Probabaly about twenty differnt spots. He says that it will take a few minutes so he steps out. The next thing I remember is waking up to be told I had a major responce and went into anaphylactic shock. He said I seemed to have reacted to most everything on my back. Scary really....So now I have to carry an epi pen incase I have this happen again. Over the last 30 years or so this has happened three times. Seems my body does not like me.

quickly - sorry, short on time- I've used the diva cup for its intended purpose,found that the cystocele made it tricky to insert and that when full, it bothered the 'cele. don't *think* it would be useful as pessary, but everyone's different. so hard to say. maybe inserted upside down? but that seems uncomfortable. if you have $30 or so to gamble, try it (or if you aren't totally grossed out by this, you can have mine, I can't use it with my IUD)

Thanks Granolamom for you help....I ordered one that is due to arrive today or tomorrow. Daughter said if it does not work she'll take it. Just have to keep looking for something I can use.