what's the safe position for nauli ?


Are there any old hands at the wholewoman nauli who can advise on this? All the demonstrations/ instructions from yoga experts on the net say to do it leaning sllightly forward with a slightly rounded spine. Isn't this the worst position to exercise in from a prolapse point of view? Should we be doing it at right angles, ( a 90 degree angle)?

I do nauli in a firebreathing position, that is, with a rounded spine, leaning forward. you pose a good question, typically when we think about that position and exercise we think of situps or crunches and we all know that stuff is awful for prolapse.
however, if you do some firebreathing first, you will tip your pelvic organs forward and into a safe place. stay in firebreathing position and follow with a nauli and you can feel the suction pull everything up
I think that's why it works. like anything else, if you feel worse afterwards, rethink it.

Can you explain a little bit more about nauli or direct me to the right resource. Youtube videos I've found look very advanced to me.
I ordered Christine's DVD and try doing the exercises every day, but can't figure out what exactly I should be doing in nauli.
Do you do it on the exhale? Should it always be done counterclockwise? I would really like to be able to do it, but at this point it's too confusing.

Thank you,

Hi Julia,

I have a good visual explanation of the technique in the dictionary of movements, contained in the DVD, and don’t think I can describe it better here in words.

Yes, you begin to nauli after you’ve expelled all air from your lungs and pulled your navel up and in toward your spine.

The counterclockwise suggestion is my very own. It makes sense to me because of how the descending colon is positioned down the left side. Circling counterclockwise lifts up in that area - also lifting the rectum. It seemed very natural to do it that way and now, try as I might, I cannot circle clockwise.

Another technique that works extremely well - and I suggest this for a very low uterus - is to pump the belly forcefully straight out and in, while holding the vacuum. The action literally shoves the uterus forward - quite amazing.

Work with it day by day - it will come.


Thank you very much, Christine!
I'll check the video again. I watched the whole thing initially, but it was relatively late at night, as I was trying to watch it after my kids went to bed and apparently was tired myself to retain important information. Now I just go directly to exercise part. I guess, I need to review things from time to time:)
I've also been practicing yoga for over 4 years now, which may have contributed to my prolapse. I'm 36 and initially I was diagnosed with cystocele. I went to physical therapy and two month later my cystocele got worse and I also got rectocele. My physical therapist said that if she was me at my age she would go and have the surgery and lift everything up.
Through my long searches I came across your site. Thank goodness! I just wish I found you much earlier.
After things got worse for me I stopped doing yoga, I was afraid to do anything, thinking that my insides are just going to keep sliding down.
I started searching your forum for suggestions for yoga in WW posture and "Why We Need A New Yoga For Women" was very helpful in that respect. I'm slowly starting to practice again, but unsure about some poses.
Do you have more information anywhere on yoga and ww posture? I am pretty flexible and back bends and twists are my favorite poses. You mention that "Bridge and Wheel poses should be practiced with care". What should I pay attention to in those poses?
What can I do when everybody in my class does pilates-like floor abdominal exercises? I saw somewhere at some point on this site information with pictures about abdominal work, but I can't find it anymore.
I have so many questions. I know, with time, I'll find the answers to them:)

Thank you, Christine and everybody else who participates in this forum! After reading your posts I have hope that I can at least stop my prolapse from getting worse.