Positive visit with Urogyne


I saw a urogyne today about my POP, and I left feeling encouraged. Oddly, this was the man who told me last year that if I was going to have only one more child, I should have a repeat c-section to avoid bladder problems. Anyway, he actually told me that a vaginal birth was probably the best choice for me, regardless of my uterine and cervical tears and POP, since my recovery from my c-section had been difficult and repeat c-sections tend to be worse. He told me that my cystocele was not nearly as bad as I thought, at the most a stage 2 if I had been standing up for the exam, but lying down closer to a 1. He said my rectocele was better than my cystocele, and that my uterus was fine. He had me hold a mirror to my bits while he explained what was what, and he had me cough while looking in the mirror as well to see how that type of action affects prolapse.

He said I am in no way a candidate for surgery for several reasons: 1. I am too early postpartum (3 months), and so many things can change in the months following that it would be irresponsible to operate on someone whose issues may resolve somewhat in the year postpartum. 2. He said that surgery could cause me more problems than I have already and leave me with symptoms that are worse than the ones I have. 3. My 'celes are not considered bad enough to even warrant surgery.

He also said that even though it's good that I'm doing physical therapy, I should know that no amount of it will repair damaged tissues, and that my goal with physical therapy should be to prevent worsening of my prolapse. He thinks that my urgency issues will get better as my estrogen levels increase. He also recommended an anti-inflammatory diet and low acid food and drink.

Am I crazy, or does this guy seem to have his act somewhat together? I really expected a different approach from a urogyne.

Any thought?


I don't know if he's right or not I'm so new to all of this but he sounds like a cool doc! It even made me feel better about my situation reading what he told you! I think that is awesome! Cheers to healing! And no goin' under the knife! Doesn't this make you feel better? Keep us posted! :)

I wonder if he has visited this website or read STWW?

Christina...Looks like you have a real keeper. If only we had more doctors like this one. Maybe he has been to the site? No matter the reason...Just that his eyes are open to new approaches. Best wishes for your return to health and well being. Rose

It seems like more and more women are hearing this type of good advice from their doctors.
Christina this must have come as such a relief to you. It is so interesting just how much one person's opinion can influence the way we think about ourselves. I love when it's for the better.
You really are going to get so much better than you are right now. Probably to the point of going 'what prolapse?' since your case is so mild.
Glad to hear your happy news.