I am NOT musical - how long is a bar of music?


I got my WW stuff and I was reading the beginning lessons. It says "take 8 full bars for one full head circle." Say what? I NEVER took any kind of music lessons. What does this mean? And I already looked it up but it doesn't make sense. How much time is supposed to pass.

You know I'm not musical either. Have just been doing a slow count of eight as I do the circles. As I watch the DVD it seems to work.

I apologize and will not include that term in the next edition. Bars, or measures, can be of different lengths depending on how many beats they contain. That is called time signature in musical notation.

Listen to the timing of the music and count to 4 as you slowly circle your head to the back. It takes 4 counts of music to circle your head halfway and another to come full circle.

There are two circles in one direction and two in the other. You can hear the music change when it is time to change directions.

You may have to listen several times to get the timing, but it will come.

:) Christine