pelvic health



Hi Christine,

I was diagnosed with uterine prolapse, cystocele and rectocele last January. I was scheduled for a hysterectomy on July 11. On July 5, I went in for my pre-op appointment and told my Dr. that I needed to cancel. When I came home from that appointment, your book and video were in my mailbox. The postures and exercises seem to be helping. I'm a teacher and I'm off for the summer. But, I wonder how it will be when school begins and I'm on my feet all day again...

My Dr. fitted me for a pessary (the ring with support). It's hard to position it correctly and I wonder if I'm doing damage to my vagina when the pessary pops open when going in or coming out. I also read a message from someone on your forum who said she thought the pessary caused her cyctocele. Is that possible?

I ordered the sponges, but I'm not having much luck with them either. I guess the uterus is pushing down too much.

My Dr. suggested an inflatable pessary. Have you (or anyone out there) had any experience with those? Does it fit up above the pelvic bones like the ring with support? Or do you think it may get pushed out just like the sponges?

I'd appreciate any input you could give me,



Hi Meme,

Thanks for writing and I