Did the PT association respond at all to Christines open letter


I was wondering if Christine's letter evoked a response from the letter written to them a while back?

Hi Gardengirl,

Thanks for asking. Yes, the editor-in-chief of Physical Therapy journal, Rebecca L. Craik, PT, PhD, promptly responded with the following:

"Thank you for the “heads up” related to the open letter to the APTA. You are certainly addressing an area of concern relevant to physical therapists and to many women. As Editor in Chief of Physical Therapy, I invite you to submit a research report or a case report that can provide evidence to support the principles outlined in your open letter. I have copied the President of the Women’s Health Section, Wendy Feather; the VP for Practice and Education, Dr. Ken Harwood; and the managing editor of the journal to make sure that they also have access to your open letter."

I will certainly be taking her up on her invitation.


Hi Crhistine
I have been wondering what happened with this. I have been 'away' for a while and may have missed something. What did you send them? What did they say about it? regards, J