Inversion Tables


I'm new so I hope I am doing this right. I just bought the bundle offer a couple of days ago and can hardly wait for it to get here. I've been reading the forum topics and I will say that an inversion table has seemed to help me the most of anything so far. I don't invert all the way, just at about 45 degrees at the most. I started off at about 15 degrees and worked up to the 45. Before I got my inversion table, I placed a sturdy ironing board on the rail of my bed (the small end on the rail and the large end on the floor). Then I placed a pillow on the floor at the end of the ironing board. The easiest way to get on this is to sit about a third way up on the ironing board and lay down on the pillow with your feet toward the bed. This feels so good and you can actually feel your organs go back in place and your tummy flatten. The inversion tables are priced anywhere from less than a hundred dollars to over a thousand and Wal-Mart has a great selection that can be bought over the Internet and shipped to your local store. They do take up about as much space as a twin size bed and even though most models fold for storage, they are so heavy that it wouldn't be good for the insides to keep moving them around. The inversion table that I bought was just under a hundred and probably gives just as good of results as the more expensive models. Mine can't be locked in position though and I can see where that would be a very useful feature.

Hi Littlebit

Anything that can get your organs repositioned has to be good. Keeping them there when you stand up is the challenge. At least you know they will reposition. do you use it on your tummy or on your back?

I use it while on my back. It feels so good that I even take short naps in that position in the afternoon which seems to help. I just got my package this afternoon and have just finished watching the video. I've taken a quick look through the book and can tell already that Christine has put a lot of work into all of this. What she says makes so much sense to me that I am going to try my best to stabilize or reverse this thing.

Yes, it does make a lot of sense, doesn't it? If you can wade through all the book, and have access to a model skeleton, you will get a very good understanding of the reasoning behind it all, and will be able to design your own solutions, and know intuitively what is happening in your body.

This will not all come instantly. It can take weeks or months, and the improvements go on for years. I would watch the DVD as a matter of priority because it gives you actions you can take, and lots of visual information.

The reason for my question is that you will see that lying on your tummy may have advantages over lying on your back, as you will find out.

