Fiber causing bulk?


My question is does the high fiber that we are supposed to be eating to encourage a bigger poo? That seems to be my problem I eat lots of good fiber and drink lots of water, but it still causes bulk/bulge/pouch into vagina thus causing me to splint and God forbid strain some to pass this large poo. I do take Magnesium and a stool softner to help. I thought about maybe Senna tea? And isn't fiber a bulking agent as well as an absorbing agent? Help!


Yes, Pandora, you are absolutely right. It does bulk up the stools and make them softer, by absorbing more water.

If you cannot get them soft I would suggest reducing the fibre slowly, while keeping your water intake at the same higher level. This will mean less fibre sucking all the water up, so the water that is in there can do a better softening job on less fibre. Just like bread dough, really. Too little water and the dough is too hard and dry to rise properly. You can either add water to the recipe, or reduce the flour to get a softer dough. Bread that has more fibre will also need more water than the equivalent loaf made out of refined white flour that has little fibre. It is all about balance.


I always had problem with high fiber intake. Since we are grain free, we eat almost no insoluble fiber, only pectin and inulin. Upping fat helped me to get rid of constipation and bulking completely.
Have you read Fibermenace? Great read, IMO.


Just a reminder that there are two types of fiber and we need both types. Insoluble fiber (grains, nuts) will bulk up your stool and help move it along and insoluble fiber (fruit, pectin, etc.) will soften it.
You will need to find the balance! I cut back on the insoluble fiber (but I haven't eliminated it) and also eat a small bowl of fruit EVERY day and that has helped a lot.
I need the bulk but if it is too large and hard it DOES bulge into my vagina.

Thanks I was wondering why when I started eating Applesauce last week things got alot easier, I have the same problem with bulk. :)

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away."

I wish I could get the formula right for fibre - I got into real trouble a year ago when I was travelling a lot and because I was trying to be sugar free - I was having a lot of natural muesli and snacks etc., but ended up being heavily bound up with all the sitting and too much fibre. So I introduced more fruit and veggies which does help - but I fluctuate so much and can't seem to get it right for long.
Doctors always say increase fibre ... I think I'm one of those people that doesn't tolerate grains well ...

Hi Pandora, how do you do your applesauce?

I have similar experience with fibre. I think, because my breakfast is mostly fibre based (oats, muesli + berries) I get a bit constipated towards evening.
I have been experimenting more over Xmas break, adding some fruits. Iam really happy as I can eat oranges and geapefruits again!
In my country we make a special fruit compote for Xmas, which is based on dry fruits and this is just so good for digestion. It is made only from dry fruits, including prunes, apples, pears + cinamone, cloves and some lemon...

Still, I seem to fluctuate a lot and cannot get it right somehow...I still think it is due to stress, as I am much better when I have time to relax...