Save the bees - sign the petition


Hi Everyone

I received an email from a friend this morning, with a link to the Avaaz website. This is the intro to the email.

"Dear friends,

Bees are dying off worldwide and our entire food chain is in peril. Scientists blame toxic pesticides and four European governments have already banned them. If we get the US and the EU to join the ban, other governments across the world could follow, and save bees from extinction. Sign the petition and forward this urgent appeal:

Silently, billions of bees are dying off and our entire food chain is in danger. Bees don't just make honey, they are a giant, humble workforce, pollinating 90% of the plants we grow.

Multiple scientific studies fault one group of toxic pesticides for their rapid demise, and bee populations have soared in four European countries that have banned these products. But powerful chemical companies are lobbying hard to keep selling this poison. Our best chance to save bees now is to push the US and EU to ban this deadly product -- their action is critical and will have a ripple effect on the rest of the world.

We have no time to lose -- the debate is raging about what to do. This is not just about saving bumble bees, this is about survival. Let’s build a giant global buzz calling for the EU and US to outlaw these killer chemicals and save our bees and our food. Sign the petition now and send it onto to everyone and we’ll deliver it to key decision makers:"

There are a lot of pollinators out there but bees are by far the major pollinators of our food crops. No bees = no food. Do you want to eat?

Sign the petition here . You will be taken to the Avaaz website where you can read more and sign if you want to sign.

Thank you Louise, I signed when this petition first came out.

How very important, how very true: no bees, no food.

Please take the time to sign