Hormones from ovaries


Its about six months since I was last on this site; I have now had one of my ovaries removed and eventually recovered from a wound infection after the surgery.The reason for removal was a large 9cm cyst. I had noticed regular spasm type pains in that area.
I went ahead with the surgery, even though a blood test showed it was probably not cancer, as I was told these cysts can rupture and cause haemhorrage. I insisted I didn't want the other ovary out, 'only looked at'. I'm now 64.
I suppose I am lucky as it could have been cancer and my surgeon was very keen to tell me that it wasn't.
I was for a long time without a partner but now have a really nice (younger!) man; I do though feel somewhat 'fed up' that this coincides with my losing the hormones from one of my ovaries; its difficult to know whether lack of orgasm is due to natural ageing anyway. My GP has prescribed oestrogen pessaries which seem to help a bit with lubrication but not much else.
I was wondering whether any foods might increase natural oestrogens and/or testosterone, or in general what else I might do. Its not that I don't fancy him!

Hello and welcome back, Tathagata,

Bless your heart! Please rest assured that your one functional ovary is serving you well. It is strong adrenal function you will want to preserve now, as these are providing you with androgens, which become testosterone. It is testosterone that supports much of post-menopausal genital and sexual health.

Proportionally, we have more testosterone than we did during our reproductive years. Science reveals that women receiving estrogen therapy have lower free testosterone concentrations than those who are not receiving estrogens. (Singh A et al Pharmacokinetics of a testosterone gel in healthy postmenopausal women. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 91(1): 136-144 2005)

Support adrenal health by working through stress in a positive way. Maintain your weight so testosterone is not converting into estrone in your fat cells, in turn resulting in high levels of inflammatory estrogen metabolites.

Several foods and herbs are reported to increase testosterone levels. Raw egg yolks are beneficial for the undamaged cholesterol they provide. Raw yolk whisked into fresh orange juice is quite delicious. Garlic contains a substance called allicin, which is known to increase testosterone and cruciferous vegetables do the same through something called indole-3-carbinol.

And lots of lube and maybe a bit of red wine? Grape seed extract is a powerful aromatase inhibitor - aromatase being the enzyme that allows testosterone to turn to estrogen.

All the best with your new romance.

♥ Christine

Thank you Christine.

Spend some time investigating this orgasm thing. I'm pretty sure you can figure out if it is indeed hormonal or ageing or what. Do a few experiments :)

I'm so totally clueless about this whole 'orgasm and aging' thing. WHA? You stop having them when you get older? Is this possible? Um, I kinda hope not.....

Exercise can help with libido though. Just google it :)
So happy you found someone to fancy :) and that it wasn't cancer. Though I know it was traumatic enough all on it's own.

Hi Tathagata,

I had to have an ovary removed 16 years ago when I was 32 due to a large and fast growing fibroma. It hasn't affected me all these years - the other ovary just took over - and definately no effect on libido or orgasm. I don't know about the effect of age - not quite there yet - but some others on the site may have more insight and tips. Good luck and enjoy!

Pollyanna :)

We are in the grape season here. Seedless grapes? Phooee! Not for me. I have finally taught myself how to crunch up grape seeds as I eat the grapes. It is a bit noisy, but they don't taste too bad. I guess that, like most seeds, you only have to crack them to allow the digestive juices to do their work on them.


Well Louise I'll be crunching those seeds myself now too!