Posistion for vomiting


I have frequent miagraines during which I vomit every 5 - 10 mins over 48 hours. They pop up every 6 weeks or so despite having medication, and have been occuring since I was a child. Since having my child and subsequent prolapse I can feel my bottom ( rectocele) pushing with the straining and aching the days after. I currently try to be sick on all fours but can feel its affecting my prolapse. Its also a problem I have in pregnancy ( considering another . . . . . )

Can any one please suggest a posistion that I could improve on ?

thank you

Strange you should mention this, Peony. I had something similar a few weeks ago, but fortunately the vomiting only lasted about an hour (I think - I was out of it).

I was conscious of the need to not blow my POPs out but was not able to do a lot about it. I felt like a big blue claw with sharp talons constantly crunching on the top and front of my head with the talons stuck in my eye sockets, so that was a bit distracting, and quite honestly I couldn't have given a damn anyway! The fact that I was prostrate for about 20 hours and took it real easy the following day meant that the vomiting was the only thing that was not POP friendly during that time. I didn't suffer any subsequent POP problems.

One thing I did try was lying on my bed, with my lower half almost on my back and my upper half supported on my left elbow, with my upper half twisted so it was hanging over the lefthand side of the bed. I held the chunder bucket in my right hand. I didn't actually vomit a big volume so the bucket was small and light. I would normally have thought this would have been a bad position, but maybe the half-twist stopped the intraabdominal pressure from going down past my waist.

TMI here. I did find in this position that I ended up with a lot of vomit up the back of my nose, and probably into my sinuses. This was very acidic and unpleasant, so I spent a lot of time afterwards with it dripping down the back of my throat, so I spent a lot of that evening spitting it out. I did wonder if it would take the lining off my sinuses or some other ghastly thing, but no burns the following day, so there was no longer term damage.

The other position for vomiting was sitting on the side of the bed, where the mattress literally supported my pelvic organs, even though I was hunched over. At least I knew they wouldn't get far!

No sympathy posts please. I was just very glad to have it behind me. I am pretty sure I know what the cause was. It was a once off double-banger stress thing.

When you have a condition like this all your life it is often simpler to become resigned about having it and don't even think that it might be possible to heal it.

Have you considered therapies other than drugs? Ironically, I will be honest with you and say that I inadventently cut down the number of these episodes in my life (to virtually zero) when I started taking dexamphetamine for ADHD about ten years ago. Prior to this latest episode I had gone about a week with less than optimum dex. I think this was one of the factors in getting it.

I hope you can make some progress with your vomiting technique, Peony. And that you will stumble upon, or seek out ways of stopping these migraines. Dairy or gluten intolerance?


Before kids I can remember puking into bushes outside. Pretty much in *firebreathing* position.
The last time we all got sick we had 6 people puking and only 2 toilets- outside was a good option.
But with a migraine it's hard to stand up right? It's more of a 'on the bathroom floor right by the toilet thing' I think.
If you feel good enough to get outside and puke-the standing puke might be good to try....

When I had a vomiting bug - I just laid on my side on my bed and the bucket was on the floor by my bed - to pue I just leaned off the edge of the bed - I found this position was far less strain on my stomach and my POP was no worse at all.....

I hope you can find a position that works for you and doesn't aggravate your pop.