LS while breastfeeding


Hello- I have self-dx myself as having LS. I have all the symptoms just can't seem to get in with a doc who knows about it and will dx. Not even sure if that is worthwhile since I would like to avoid taking any of the steroid tx they seem to prescribe.

Anyway, I believe that my LS started during pregnancy and has gradually worsened while breastfeeding my now 19 month old. I plan to ween very soon and was wondering if anyone else experienced LS actually going away once they were no longer nursing and hormones return to a more normal level? I very much want to try all of the natural ways of trying to clear this up but worry there are certain things I cannot take while nursing. The red clover tea for instance, I know can lessen milk production but I am not really concerned by that since my guy is already 19 months and he is hanging on for the emotional side of it not to actually get nutrients. But some other supplements such as the green tea explicitly say..not while nursing so I just wanted to check! Thanks in advance for any help! Erica

Hi Kels,
Welcome to the village. I am hoping Christina is about to post, as she will be able to get feedback on hormones / feeding and LS. What are your symptoms (besides I am sure horrible itching!) that make you think this is LS? A gynecological dermatologist should be able to confirm, but you may not need that. And they will immediately start writing the prescriptions, so that is something you just need to be aware of...

Christine was talking recently about a good quality, probiotic capsule being inserted nightly really helping as well as the red clover. Diet may also help--a strict anti inflammatory diet would be a good starting place, to see if that helps. Putting that in the search engine and you'll get threads on it, including about Omegas, anti inflammatory foods, pro inflammatory foods etc. also look at your stress levels, try to relax (easier said than done!), and simple things like going to bed by 10 in a completely dark room--this boosts melatonin levels, which Christine talks about in her paper I think (or in discussions on this). There are many natural things you can start with that won't interfere with feeding, that may at least lessen your symptoms.

Thanks for responding to me! Well I have the itching in the vula and anal areas and it wasnt' relieved by any yeast medication. I have one side that has some white spots and then the other side is always red, swollen with a very shiny look to it. So from what I have researched it seems to fit the bill. It also makes sense that I would have gotten this from hormone issues or immune problems as I have been very stressed and on terrible sleep since my little guy was born. I do have an appt. with a specialist now but it isn't until July and like I said I am not eager to try the prescriptions. Thanks again for your helpful answers and I hope that Christina does get back to me in terms of the supplements and nursing!

Hi Erica and welcome,

Everything I know about LS is in this paper I wrote a couple of years ago.

I think heavy doses of red clover probably benefit the menopausal population more than reproductive age. Estrone is the primary estrogen at this time and is the one from which several "toxic" metabolites are made.

Green tea gives no advantage regarding LS, and in fact may lower testosterone levels a bit.

Kiki is right...good quality oral probiotic tablets (ones where lactobacillus is the first ingredient) placed vaginally as needed are extremely helpful. Our hormonal state ultimately affects the pH of the vagina and this is where I believe most of our symptoms come from. Make the vagina more acidic with a good probiotic.

Hope this helps.

:) Christine