anytime in the next few weeks - third trimester- lots about my vagina :)


Hey, so things are going fine.
I'm getting there for sure and I'm feeling the 'any time' feeling combined with the 'except I think I might want to paint this room' feeling (lol).
Thought I'd make one last post and describe the end of this third trimester.
Yesterday I jumped a fence. I don't know what I was thinking- the dog got out and instead of going around, which I guess I was thinking would have taken too long, I went right on ahead and jumped that sucker.
Probably one of the stupider things I've done in my life.
But it is kind of telling that I feet so good I thought I should jump a fence. I thought at first I might have injured myself for life. But today I feel great, so no long term damage (I hope).
After the last birth, and leading up to the end, I had pubic symphysis issues- before the birth I couldn't push things around on the floor with one foot- after I couldn't even put my pants on without getting in bed.
This time no issue so far at all. It's all functioning beautifully.
Also, our baby this time has decided to be head down (thankfully) and I'm feeling the pressure of the baby- and in fact when I went searching for my cervix, there was the head, just as low in my pelvis as could be! It's pretty cool to be able to feel the baby this way.
BUT!!! one thing I must admit is that my whole vulva is unrecognizable. I know that sounds hilarious- but it's totally true. The area is so big it needs it's own zip code. It's like the tissues are full of extra fluid or something. I only share this with all of you because maybe it will happen to you at the end and you'll remember I mentioned something about it and not freak out. :)
The neatest part is that right now I actually have a perineum. Like, a few cm worth of it! It's amazing! I have been concerned about tearing- since I have so little to tear through- but after checking it all out I think even if I do tear I may not go through the anal sphincter.
My scar tissue is pretty red- and not stretchy. And for the first time ever when I looked, my rectocele was actually holding open the the opening of my vagina. Usually all the tissues approximate and give the appearance of a perineum- but now those tissues are stretched apart from each other and the rectocele bulge is in between them.
I'm glad to have a record of it- just so that in a number of months I can look again and note the improvement :)
and now you know more about my crotch than anyone ever needed to know:)
Let's hope my next update is an unpregnant one.

Oh Alemama, I have not laughed so much for a long time! What a delightful post! You really sound very much full of the energy and endorphins of the cusp of beginning labour, as if you are primed with fuel and packed for this exciting journey. I know it will go smoothly.

Yes, sheep too get an enormous, fluid-filled vulva just before birth, and the more times they have lambed, the enormouser it is, sometimes 50% longer than the length that it has been through pregnancy, and fatter too.

Yes, you are right. You are just about to have a baby. No doubt about that!

Louise ;-)

Thank you for letting us into your pants, ha ha. All joking aside, it really is valuable to me and others to hear about what might happen. So glad you feel good enough to attempt feats of strength, and I'm curious about your magically appearing perineum. Thinking good thoughts for you and your tearing issues (by which I mean I hope you tear minimally if at all!) Also curious, have you tried any of those exercises from the old-timey video featured in Christine's article "Birds of a Feather?" I'm trying them this pregnancy - I think they could help minimize tearing potential. Looking forward to your birth announcement!!!

Thanks for this good laugh... :D Well, it truly sounds that time is here, baby is about to come, but...jumping fences, seriously, what were you thinking??? :D

Hope you'll have an amazing and empowering birth story to share. Can't wait! :)


Just checking in to see if your baby has come yet... I already feel my vagina getting big like you describe and I have under 3 months left....whoop whoop last trimester...Things are going pretty well here. Not as much SIJ shifting or even pubic symphasis pain so feeling good about that. Thinking positive thoughts for your gigantic vagina haha :)

man! this baby is staying in a while. Which really is just fine with me- except we are so eagerly awaiting the arrival and it's hard to wait....and I do not like getting this big. I have a new stretch mark and all day long the foot shoves that part of my belly out out out and stretches it.
and for the first time ever in a pregnancy I am waking up in the night because the position I'm in hurts and I have got to shift.

I'm so glad your SIJs are happy! Mine have been good too- but it was after the delivery that I had the worst pubic symphysis pain and limited mobility. That won't happen this time I hope.
I don't know why I never noticed the whole giant vagina thing before. I'm sure it happened every time. But I think I have hit critical mass now :) ha
So glad your pregnancy is going great!

I know you're busy and probably pretty tired but I think of you often and would love to hear about your birth and how you are feeling and rehabing when you get a chance. I am on the 2 month count down and am trying to stay positive about my prolapses and the potential injury to my pelvic floor. I hope you are doing really well.

I'm glad no one is squeamish about this sort of thing here!! I was searching the forums for just this topic, Alemama, so cheers for posting, and I hope all is going well for you since the birth of your daughter. Now I'm going to usurp your thread... ;)

I'm at 37/40 weeks now, but I have a feeling this little one (#2) will be coming out before 40 weeks. Not that I have a lot of experience to base that statement on, but baby's been engaged for about a week now, and I'm definitely feeling more hormonal these days. I also have the crotch swelling now, and have been worrying about how a baby can possibly squeeze out through there. I had also intended to try perineal massage and stretch to prepare for the birth, but was advised to wait until now to start, and it's just so tender and swollen now!

How does this affect birth?? Should I persevere with perineal stretching? Or try to get the swelling down somehow? I had quite a lot of tearing last time, and it was rather unpleasant; I would really like to avoid it this time.

Any advice??


I wouldn't worry Momminmama. This happens to every single one of my ewes, even the first timers, but not so grossly. It is *the* way I can tell they are going to lamb within a week. It is a much more accurate indication than udder formation. The vulva swells right through the pregnancy but about a week beforehand it goes very red and swollen and wobbles around as they walk. They are about to start lambing in three weeks too.

BTW, sheep only have a 5 month gestation.

I am sure the swelling is simply action happening in the very small vulva to make it a big vulva that will stretch to accommodate the baby's head.


Cheers for the reassurance, Louise. I didn't fret about it, and just delivered a 8lb + baby with just a scratch.

Congratulations, Moominmama! I was just thinking about you this morning as I was inspecting our lambing ewes just after dawn. Some of them have monstrous vulvas and can hardly walk. One dropped two little ram lambs yesterday, and a second ewe dropped another two little ram lambs last night. So far, so good.

They both look very relieved and about half the width they were. The lambs are so cute, but no doubt your baby is way cuter. I am sure you will do fine. Enjoy the babymoon!


Well done moonimama

I have been reading through your posts and others - great to hear of the safe new arrival and wish you all the best.
