

I really need some advice! I had surgery last year for a prolapsed rectum. I guess it didn't come with a warranty, because now I have a rectocele coming thru my vagina! It's horrible! If I even cough, I feel it coming down. I want to have surgery to make it go away, but everything I read says don't do it. I've read a pelvic surgeon (is that a gynocologist?) should perform it as they must know the pelvic floor anatomy, yet my gyn refers me back to the colo-rectal doc, who is more than willing to do it-he's ready to set me up for surgery even know he hasn't checked me in 4 months and its gotten worse. I'm only 37 and feel like my life is over. I can't do the work I love, I can't pick up my child, I'll never have sex again. I just don't know what to do anymore. Any advice, emails, anything! would be appreciated! Thank you-at least I don't feel quite so alone since I found this site.
Tammy ([email protected])

Dear Tammy,

Yes, it might be good to see a pelvic floor surgeon, or urogynecologist. The problem is, like in kmc55

I'm still getting used to how to post and reply here so I hope this works.
Thank you for your responses. I know for a fact that the surgery I had caused the problem I have now. I wish I had never done it. The doctor told me there might be a chance of recurrance, but he never told me that the prolapse could return thru my vagina. I am so angry! Not only at him, but myself for not investigating all my options. I guess I was just so freaked out by how it looked. But coming out my rear looked a whole lot better than coming out my front!
Anyway, I have lots more questions but I have to go to work. Thank you again for your time, and I'll be back to read, post, educate myself, and try to take back control of my body!

Alas! I'm new to this site myself, so don't have the experience of others here, but just want to send along a bit of support and sympathy. I just was told that I needed a hysterectomy, rectopexy, cystopecy, and some webb attaching my vagina to my sacrum. I want to find out as much as I can about any and all alternatives, and I hope you can do the same for your specific situation. I sure don't think going back to the same surgeon seems good -- maybe he messed up? If so, yipes. I'll be hoping you find a better alternative, and best of luck,


Hi Tammy,
I don't know if this will help you or not but I have a friend who has a rectocele (she hasn't had any surgery on it) but I told her about the posture and she uses it and says it helps her quite a bit. She also got a v2 supporter belt and wears it to support her rectocele. She is also very careful about not letting herself get constipated (as most of us are.)
I have a prolapsed uterus and cystocele and when I cough or sneeze I bend over from the waist. This seems to keep the pressure away from the pelvic organs.
Most days are pretty good but there are still some that aren't so great.
Best of luck to you.