Here's a toast to mothers everywhere.


I think all Moms do the best they can with the personal and outside resources they have at the time. Life ain't perfect. Sometimes we have the resources, emotional, physical, mental, human, money etc, to do the very best. Sometimes we are sadly lacking in one or more, at the time, and stuffed up badly or not so badly.

Let's give thanks for our mothers. We spring from them. We came out of their bodies. Without them we would not exist. Let's also give thanks to the fathers who sired us.

Let's forgive them for the things they didn't do very well, or at all, for whatever reason.

Let's forgive them for the actively bad things they did to us, or our siblings.

Let's give thanks for the resources we do have to be good Moms and give our kids good role models.

Let's forgive ourselves for not meeting our own or society's expectations of us.

Let's forgive those who didn't help us, or didn't know what help to give when we needed it most, or were too caught up in their own lives to notice our need.

Let's forgive ourselves for not helping other mothers when we could have.

Forgiveness is so powerful. Genuine forgiveness and letting go of what has been is freedom from the clutches of the past and a door to a better future.


Wish I could find a mothers day card with this on it!

write one. :-)

...and try to remember our best times. Unfortunately, she became my worst enemy in life.

However, I have come to a stage where I see that the pain of that relationship (and others) has fueled a deep yearning to understand human behavior. Much of human behavior is not okay!! Chimpanzees and humans are by far the most violent creatures on earth. They are male-dominated and war is central to their societies. The latest research suggests this is genetically driven. Bonobos, however, experienced a gene change that caused their behavior to shift to female-centered and peaceful.

This subject matter has my brain afire and I'm tinkering with the idea of going back to school to learn more about genetics and behavior. Why should we allow the craziest behaviors on the planet to continue, when they are likely driven by the Y chromosome?

♥ Christine