When I first “cracked the code” on stabilizing and reversing prolapse, and wrote and published Saving the Whole Woman, I set up this forum. While I had finally gotten my own severe uterine prolapse under control with the knowledge I had gained, I didn’t actually know if I could teach other women to do for themselves what I had done for my condition.
So I just started teaching women on this forum. Within weeks, the women started writing back, “It’s working! I can feel the difference!”
From that moment on, the forum became the hub of the Whole Woman Community. Unfortunately, spammers also discovered the forum, along with the thousands of women we had been helping. The level of spamming became so intolerable and time-consuming, we regretfully took the forum down.
Technology never sleeps, however, and we have better tools today for controlling spam than we did just a few years ago. So I am very excited and pleased to bring the forum back online.
If you are already a registered user you may now log in and post. If you have lost your password, just click the request new password tab and follow the directions.
Please review and agree to the disclaimer and the forum rules. Our moderators will remove any posts that are promotional or otherwise fail to meet our guidelines and will block repeat offenders.
Remember, the forum is here for two reasons. First, to get your questions answered by other women who have knowledge and experience to share. Second, it is the place to share your results and successes. Your stories will help other women learn that Whole Woman is what they need.
Whether you’re an old friend or a new acquaintance, welcome! The Whole Woman forum is a place where you can make a difference in your own life and the lives of thousands of women around the world!
Best wishes,
Christine Kent
Whole Woman
September 13, 2005 - 4:02pm
RE: prolapsed pelvic organs
I always try to look up the profile before I write to someone. Your profile says "Male" so is it really possible that you have a prolapsed uterus. Hmmmmm, Nancy
September 13, 2005 - 6:04pm
RE: prolapsed pelvic organs
Hi Turtle,
I don't have time to respond in full this evening, but will write more in the a.m. This program defaults to "male" unless you select "female" - one of the changes we will make with the new website in the next few weeks.
September 13, 2005 - 8:55pm
RE: prolapsed pelvic organs
Thanks, Nancy for your quick response. I apologize for the incorrect information; I didn't complete the profile, so I guess it automatically came up "male." I am indeed a female. Sorry for the confusion.
September 13, 2005 - 8:58pm
RE: prolapsed pelvic organs
Hi Christine, I apologize for the listing of "male"; I neglected to complete the Profile, so it may have come up automatically as male. I am indeed a female!; sorry for the confusion. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks a lot!
September 14, 2005 - 9:56am
RE: prolapsed pelvic organs
Dear Turtle,
My apologies! That silly program has caused confusion again and again
September 14, 2005 - 6:00pm
RE: prolapsed pelvic organs
I read in an article once instead of straining when you sit on the toilet blow out gently during a b.m.
I have tried it and it works for me.
Hope this helps others.
September 14, 2005 - 5:54pm
RE: prolapsed pelvic organs
Turtle, Now that we've gotten things straightened out, I would like to respond to that question! It took me about 2 months to see any improvements. But the time went quickly and I'm sure the change in my diet helped. I haven't had red meat in about 2 months now! Seemed like every time I'd eat a little of that, my prolapse would really get a lot worse. Christines' video, and kegels helped a lot. Taking it easier these days. I'm 61, so really I'm entitled to do that now! Take care, Nancy
September 27, 2005 - 4:14am
RE: prolapsed pelvic organs
I am due to an TVT and or anterior repair operation in October, but am not decided at all, the more I read about it, the less I want to go through that. I have stress incontinence with cystocele level 1. Done some physio, but not very seriously and just fell on your site Christine and would like to ask you a few questions, before I buy the DVD.
Are your exercises created by you or is it a mixture of different
techniques, like Alexander, Kegel, yoga etc.?
How long will I have to exercise every day?
What more will your exercices bring me than the physio's exercices?
Over exercising is can also make things worst.
When has your DVD come out?
What will the book bring more than DVD?
Heard about seat cold baths? Thought it could help to tighten the mussels?
Is your DVD for prolapse or incontinence or it all?
Thanks for your answers. Corinne
September 27, 2005 - 8:06am
RE: prolapsed pelvic organs
Hi Corinne,
Thanks for writing and I