Abortion and Prolapse


I just found out I'm pregnant and we're not excited. Just another couple of weeks and my husband would have been seeing a doctor for a vasectomy. Needless to say, we're freaked out. He's asking me to consider an abortion and due to my previous birth experience, I can't handle doctors well. He found an abortion pill that works up to 9 weeks of pregnancy, which I am well with in. So, I'm wondering if anyone has used this with a prolapse. If anyone can think of any physical concerns that would come along with it concerning my weak muscles. I haven't decided anything but I want the facts before I make a decision. I'd appreciate it if we keep pro-choice and pro-life arguing out of this, as well. I know this is a difficult subject for people and this isn't an easy situation for me to be in so I'd really like to just get information. Thanks in advance!

Correct me if I am wrong, but it sounds as though you are considering using an unregulated product obtained from an alternative source, without medical supervision. If this is the case, I don't think any of us in a position to advise on or condone this action. There is just no telling what effect this product will have on your body. Excess bleeding and infection are possible with any abortion, spontaneous or otherwise. My miscarriage was "natural" as in no drugs or d&c to speed the inevitable, but I still checked in with a medical professional. It was a difficult process. Sorry I can't be more helpful. I hope your worried mind finds peace.

I have heard about this pill and it is given out by GPs / Clinics in this country

Basically (If i remember correctly)

You take one pill - and it stops things growing inside of you - then a day or two later you take a second one and then it makes you lose everything inside the womb (something like a period)

I found info here. The scond pill is an internal pill by the looks of this page...


My heart goes out to you Sending you many hugs - This is obviously a terrible decision to have to make ((((Hugs))))

I deleted my post...........

Thank you, Rosebud,

There are pit bulls on both sides of this issue and it is best if we do as Harmony requested and leave personal views aside.


I would never sit in judgement of another Human (Walk a mile in their shoes etc yadda)

All I can say is - This is not really a POP issue, and should not affect your POP, and I wish you alll the best - Please feel free to email me if you want a non judgemental ear.

Give yourself time to think. So as to not make any rash decisions etc.

Hey, Harmony,

IIRC this pill causes miscarriage, right? I'd worry about the bleeding, for sure, or severe contractions, pain.
What you need IMO is a pro-choice midwife who can help or even be with you if you take this pill. Be careful!


Sorry, I'm pretty upset and even when I'm not upset I can type in a pretty idiotic way so as to make it rather difficult to understand exactly what I'm saying. Apologies. It was a misunderstanding but it was my fault, due to my typing. The pill is an alternative to having an abortion procedure done due to my fear of doctors and vaginal exams (traumatic birth). This way, I wouldn't have to have a doctor touch me vaginally unless the pill didn't work, from our understanding. However, it will be utilized under the care of a medical doctor and will be given along with antibiotics in order to hopefully keep an infection from forming. They require follow up appointments to check for negative effects and concerns.

Thank you, ladies, for answering my question about the pill and health concerns as far as the POP goes. My next question is, does anyone know of POP concerns with an abortion procedure?

I think anything that stresses your uterus could temporarily worsen prolapse symptoms. iirc, some have complained about d&c causing prolapse, but that's not what you're talking about, hopefully you wont need anything like that.

I'm sorry you are in this position. my surprise pg was so much more emotionally traumatic than I assumed a surprise pg would be (although I also assumed it would never happen to me!). I wish you well with whatever you choose. (((hugs)))

Oh, what a relief! Sorry, I thought you'll take this pill at home...silly me! Sounds so much safer this way.

I am pretty sure this procedure will aggravate prolapse symptoms. A simple period does for the most of us, so I guess this pill would do the same or even more, but I guess, taking good rest, good food, good posture will help you to get you back to baseline.

Just wanted to add that anxiety, distress also aggravates POP. Give yourself time to heal.

Big hugs, I really cannot imagine how hard is this for you!


So sorry you are facing such a stressful time...

Misoprostol (also commonly called cytotec) was a drug approved by the FDA for use as an ulcer medication. It is directly contraindicated in pregnancy due to the fact that it causes such extreme uterine contractions (which I realise that in your case would be your intent). Off-label use (as abortificant and labour inducing agent) has been used by the medical community for years, which is interesting when thinking about considering the use of an 'unregulated product'. Once the FDA approves a product, off-label use is rampant but it is viewed as acceptable since it is doctors using their own discretion and doing their own experiments, such as with cytotec and pregnant women.

But I digress. As for POP and abortion, my sense is that yes - you will probably feel the effects to some degree but will this be enough on which to base your decision? In speaking with many, many women about their terminations, I do not recall a pattern of women making a huge mention of pharmaceutical termination worsening pre-existing problems like POP (thought here have been some, the magnitude of the worsening was not huge), so anecdotally I hope that is helpful. I have, however heard too many accounts of problems from instrumental terminations (not always pop related but far more serious).

alright now. I have not used that med, though I have a friend who has used it more than once (or something similar) with no problems beyond having screwed up hormones for a while.
First, I think the sooner you terminate the easier it is likely to be on your body and your pop. Second, I recommend looking at the 'success' rate of this drug (at the stage you are now) because once you move on to a surgical procedure (in the event that it fails) you are looking at all the risk factors that come along with the d and c. Just read the recent adenomyosis thread. and Third, because I can't help myself, have you walked through your birth trauma baggage yet? I ask because I have felt first hand the healing that can come if you do. Dealing with another pregnancy is as good a time as any to walk through it and another birth can be amazing!
There are other options besides a doctor attended birth. You can have an unassisted birth. You can be totally alone, or with your husband- but no one has to touch your vagina during pregnancy or birth. For me that was one of the deciding factors- the fact that no one would be all up in my space :)
For me, birth would be much less traumatic than a d and c- but probably physically much harder on pop than early termination with a pill.
What ever you decide let us know how you are doing. I'm sorry you are between the proverbial rock and hard place.
hugs to you (((((harmony)))))