Christine's Zinc Roast


This dish requires a large clay roasting pot with an unglazed lid. A ceramic baking dish will do, but don’t use cast iron or other metal. Soak the lid in cold water for 15 minutes while you prepare the other ingredients.

1-2 large onions, thinly sliced
1 bunch fresh spinach, chopped
2 cups raw crimini mushrooms, sliced
1 cup filtered water
2/3 cup red wine
1 Tbs Marmite®
2 tsp dried nutritional yeast
1 tsp rubbed sage
1/2 tsp dried thyme
4-5 thick slices homemade whole wheat/rye bread
1 cup natural cheddar cheese

Lightly steam the onions in a small amount of water while preparing the other ingredients.
Pour the steamed onions into the bottom of the clay pot.
Add the spinach and mushrooms.
Whisk together the next six ingredients until well mixed.
Cover the vegetables with the bread, pressing down and filling in spaces.
Pour the broth over the bread and top with cheese.

Cover and bake in a 450° oven for 20 minutes.

Spinach, crimini mushrooms, rye bread, Marmite®, yeast and cheddar are high zinc foods.

So yummy!!

Edit: I don't think yeast foods such as dried nutritional yeast and Marmite are in the same category as MSG.

Sounds cool, but I have no idea what Marmite is? :)


I think marmite is a spread similar to vegemite if it is the same in the US as it is here...?
Also - curious about nutri yeast being a neurotoxin? I adore the stuff and have never heard this...shudder the thought of it being harmful!

Yes Marmite is like Vegemite, but usually over this side of the world people like one or the other but not both :-).... Im a Marmite girl!
It is a thick consistency and usually we have it on toast eg at breakfast .It can also be used as a flavouring in stews and soups eg ,and sometimes 1 tsp in a mug of hot water , stirred till it dissolves, is like a hot broth warming drink in winter.
It has B vitamins.Some of our family takes B vits before going to hot places like Queensland in summer or Malaysia- helps prevents mozzie bites .We also have more marmite on toast for brekky before going away.
The ingredients written on the back of my tub are written in very small writing but I can read, apart from it being 80pc yeast, that it has Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Folate, B vits, Iron. Hope I've got that right , at least gives you an idea what it is :-)

I think the term is excito-toxin - like monosodium glutamate is supposed to be. I tried to find out more about this at one point, but there’s not a lot of solid info. Anyway, it seems very benign to me - I eat dried nutritional yeast on popcorn all the time and so does my little granddaughter and we’ve never felt anything but fine with it. Marmite contains so much zinc that one ingenious person thought it might bring about world peace. :)

Wow, cool stuff! Never heard of it. I checked my local health food store and they have Marmite, so I will buy some tomorrow, I need to taste it. :D

I really live at the end of the world, huh? ;)


Liv-had to laugh I thought I lived at the end of the world down here in Godzone :-)
Christine-oops yes it has zinc.
I subconsciously pulled out marmite instead of peanut butter this morning, with all this talk about it lol, and had a nostalgic moment.Back to my childhood when a great aunt use to make me marmite toast fingers nearly every day ,(she lived in the same 2 story house).The bread was toasted in the oven, then spread with butter, then a then layer of marmite, then another layer of butter, all thin though.I bet some of you shudder at that haha. So that's exactly what I did this morning. Cut the toast into fingers and then layered them 2 fingers per layer, alternating each layer crossways and then lengthways etc.
If you try marmite like this for the first time , just use a scraping of it, as its quite strong.Enjoy :-)

Can't wait to try marmite..hope I can find it here on Long Island


Well.... :D not bad, not bad! It tastes like....I don't know! :D Funny.

My family are strictly vegemite eaters. Our favorite method is vegemite with avocado on freshly made bread. Marmite would be just as good.

It is high in salt and contains caramel colouring but I think the positives outweigh the negatives. It has really gone up in price - way too much - someone is being greedy.

Clavicula- not surprised you think it's funny haha its sort of an acquired taste- I think. We are brought up on it so don't think about i,t but I'm sure it's as strange as ,to those who weren't :-)
Garden girl , yes I agree, the postives outweigh the negatives. It's not as if we have heaps of it , it last ages, and it's cheaper to buy the next size up rather than the small one, well here it is,anyways.

Hmmmm, I knew vegemite wold turn up in this eventually;)
I have never tried marmite but will certainly do so now...
And yes, the taste is kinda indescribable, for sure. I love fresh bread, butter, vegemite, and a thin layer of dubliner cheese but will happily try marmite for some variation.

Yeast Extract
Vegetable Extract
Spice Extracts
Folic Acid
Celery Extract
Vitamin B12

I shuddered at the thought of caramel coloring...but that does not appear to be the case.