Urgency and pain! related to cystocele?



I could use some advice. I have a cystocele but haven't really had much in the way of symptoms. Well, I had a uti about a month ago, that seemed to resolve with antibiotics. I then went to my annual pap appointment yesterday and since then my bladder is spasming and hurts! They did a UA yesterday and say that it does not look like an infection is present, but why does my bladder hurt? I called the office and they said that it is possible that since I live a long ways away from the office (2 hours) and had to hold my urine the whole time, that, along with the cystocele irritated things. Has anyone else had this kind of thing happen? Do you think a cystocele could cause such irritation and pain?

Thank you

UTI will clear with antibiotics, however, suggest you get yourself prescribed Hiprex tablets that are for bladder infections to stabilise it and stop the irritation - your doctor can prescribe them, 1 tablet at night before bedtime, you do not need to take them forever it is a course the duration will be determined by your GP. With cystocele you will get the urge to go to the loo to pass urine more frequently, the key is not to drink too many liquids before you set off to the office.

Hi I have had a cystocele for over 4 years. I had a pessary for 3 years
and really did not help any. They also recently suggest surgery but as
you say you may end up with more/and or worse problems.

After reading a brochure in the Dr's office I read where physicall therapy
may help so I went to one that specializes in this area.

At the same time I bought Christines DVD and book, They are excellent!
Love the work out.

The physical therapist was scepticall of my book and DVD but did realize
some things were very helpful.So......the PT did not help much with the
cystocele but I also had a problem with painful intercourse and she worked my muscles for 6wks and YES I'm cured of that, thank goodness.

I am getting ready to purchase Christines DVD Yoga and look forward
to doing those excercises to help with my cystocele. My main goal
is to AVOID surgery . I also lost 20 lbs. and feel much better and can do
my exercises.
Hope this information helps.

Have a look at this page, Annio, before you go the Hiprex line. I suggest you ask your doctor too. It is an antibiotic.

It may be that the speculum used to get the smear irritated your bladder, which is just behind the vaginal wall. I think UTI's take some time to go away completely. I think the inflammation can stick around for a while, which could make your bladder sensitive.

As it happened only after your smear, I would go back and report it to the doctor.

I wouldn't think a two hour car trip would be to blame, unless you have had similar problems with a car trip of that duration previously.

Sites like this one, give a list of foods to avoid if your bladder is feeling irritated or irritable. http://robinhowe.net/Documents/Bladder%20Irritants.pdf . Giving your bladder a break from irritant foods and substances might be a good first step.


Hi Pansygirl
I am wondering why you could use a pessary for the duration of 3 years and then say it did not help.. My understanding is that a pessary will not cure the problem but will make a severe prolapse bareable. I have used one now for 2 weeks,(full time)I cannot sleep sometimes as it just bugs me.
I still try to make diet, posture, and exercise a focussed part of my day
to re-adjust muscle that may eventually reduce the un pessaried vaginal wall prolapse. I strongly recommend that you do try to avoid surgery as all they try to do is tape the sag and tapes (whateever the type )-are not permanent- muscle strengthening and repositioning can be.


you could try taking cranberry juice..eat more strawberry or berry kind of fruit....PURE FORM.......... or take it as a pill....also i found that golden seal a native american plant that comes in pill form also helps inflammation and can act as a natural antibiotic, how ever don't take it for more than a week...also check you can take it with a professionalism's say so........... in case it doesn't mix well with any other health dis----- ease u may BE having.
make sure ur having enough water and vit c
I had a UTI for a long time and it took ages to go away........the pain was ugly.......hope this helps in some way......xox

Welcome Enjoybeingsick35

Great first post. I like the way you encouraged annieO to run the herbs past existing health professionals.
