What next?


This is my very first post of info on a computer . Just had a hysterectomy with anterior repair 7 wks ago. Now I have a rectocele. I am 57 years young. Still feel 12 when I'm walkin in a stream fishing. How the heck did I get here? Thought I had done my home work. No more kids, don't need the uterus,my mom had one done at a young age.Now I find this web site after the fact and feel pretty dumb. I am not sure what to do next. I was reading about the Sacroiliac belt, well I already have issues with my SI joint. Is this going to make it worse? Should I wear my SI belt all the time? It is different than the one in the store, would I need a different one now? I am not going to let this get the better of me. I'm going kayaking tommorrow with my friend, we'll talk about all this. She had a hysterectomy many years ago. Well this is a start for now. I do a lot of lifting in my work. Will this be an issue? Thanks for all your wonderful honest info. Naturegirl

I posted a response to you in another thread in this forum. I look forward to hearing how your kayaking trip went..I hope it was lovely. Yes, lifting is an issue, which your surgeon should have told you.
