When I first “cracked the code” on stabilizing and reversing prolapse, and wrote and published Saving the Whole Woman, I set up this forum. While I had finally gotten my own severe uterine prolapse under control with the knowledge I had gained, I didn’t actually know if I could teach other women to do for themselves what I had done for my condition.
So I just started teaching women on this forum. Within weeks, the women started writing back, “It’s working! I can feel the difference!”
From that moment on, the forum became the hub of the Whole Woman Community. Unfortunately, spammers also discovered the forum, along with the thousands of women we had been helping. The level of spamming became so intolerable and time-consuming, we regretfully took the forum down.
Technology never sleeps, however, and we have better tools today for controlling spam than we did just a few years ago. So I am very excited and pleased to bring the forum back online.
If you are already a registered user you may now log in and post. If you have lost your password, just click the request new password tab and follow the directions.
Please review and agree to the disclaimer and the forum rules. Our moderators will remove any posts that are promotional or otherwise fail to meet our guidelines and will block repeat offenders.
Remember, the forum is here for two reasons. First, to get your questions answered by other women who have knowledge and experience to share. Second, it is the place to share your results and successes. Your stories will help other women learn that Whole Woman is what they need.
Whether you’re an old friend or a new acquaintance, welcome! The Whole Woman forum is a place where you can make a difference in your own life and the lives of thousands of women around the world!
Best wishes,
Christine Kent
Whole Woman
June 8, 2011 - 8:47pm
Welcome Hiker-annie
Hi Hiker-annie
What do these doctors getup to while women are under anaesthetic????
I am so sorry to hear that you are experiencing this distressing thing. I have heard other women relate that their doctor has said, "This is an unusual thing to happen as a result of bla bla bla". It is as if this is the standard response to a distressed patient who thinks the Dr did something wrong. It means, "I didn't do anything that I shouldn't have done. Don't blame me! If this was a normal result we would change the way we do it." "Unusual" doesn't mean that it has never happened before. Another statement I have heard or read frequently is, "This was the worst one I have ever seen". Hang on a minute. How come I always have the worst case? End of rant.
Now, what do you do about it? Firstly, I will have to leave it up to you as to whether or not you take it further with the hospital or doctor, as to whether she did something wrong.
Secondly, I would find out the name of the procedure and google it, to find out exactly what she did do. Then you will get a better idea of what might have been injured, as long as you can get your head around the language of surgery.
Secondly, it was a surgical procedure, and your body will need some time to recover from it, and from the anaesthetic. I would treat your body as if you have been pregnant. Don't lift anything heavier than a baby. Spend lots of time on hands or elbows and knees, and attempt to reposition your organs, higher and further forward, and give your body the chance to heal in healthy posture. You don't really know what knots your body was tied in during the surgery. Your pelvic organs have obviously not returned to their former positions. You will need to move them forwards and use your body in ways that will keep them there. I would be cautious like this for at least the normal six weeks following a pregnancy, and be gentle with our body for the next 12 months. I don't know whether or not this will work, but it has to be better than doing nothing and allowing your pelvic organs to settle where they are now.
The body has amazing powers of healing, and multiple mechanisms for ensuring its integrity. You will probably be feeling pretty battered and bruised at the moment, but it won't be like this forever.
Lotus flower
June 9, 2011 - 4:15am
Dear Hiker-annie
Dear Hiker-annie,
My heart goes out to you. I wish I could make you a cup of tea and sit with you face to face. Your experience is so similar to mine. I am 55 years old and post menopausal for about 2 years. I went to my GP because I had what seemed like two periods 28 days apart. The second was very heavy. She did an internal exam and pap smear and said everything looked normal .The pap smear came back good. She sent me for an internal ultra sound to check for fibroids. Two anterior fibroids were found and my uterus was described as a little bulky. My right ovary was found to be 7.5cc and the left 2.2cc. They said that the right follicular change was related to a right dysfunctional follicle. I was then advised to go to a gynecologist who recommended a hysteroscopy and D & C in case of ovarian cancer. The procedures were done in January. I was told straight afterwards that everything looked good. The lab work came back good. I then went for my six week check up and was told there was no sign of cancer .She then told me that she had to move my uterus out of the way to do the procedures because it was all the way down and that my uterus would come right out unexpectedly one day and I would need surgery and that my anterior and posterior walls were also prolapsed. I went home in shock, I’d never heard of such a thing before. A few days later the symptoms started, I felt so bad that I remember telling my husband that I couldn’t live like this. I got onto the internet and all the websites gave me a sick feeling, my intuition was saying, “stay away from surgery’’. I then found the Whole Woman website, WHAT A RELIEF !! I got into the posture that Christine recommends and followed all of her guidelines in her book and bought all the dvds. I figured it was worth a try. Dear hiker-annie I am so glad I did, I walk for an hour a day, I go to the gym four times a week. I do everything I used to do except lift very heavy objects and wear tight jeans. I have my life back and I feel so good!! I have a gut feeling that there has been a cover up and that something went wrong and caused the prolapse during the procedures. Maybe I had a bit of a prolapse and this was the final tipping point, I don’t know for sure. I’ve never posted on a forum before (my husband is helping me). I just had to respond to your post. I wanted you to know you aren’t alone. I would like to share more with you if you would like me to, but figure this is enough for now. I wish you well and will be thinking of you. Love Lotus flower.
June 9, 2011 - 10:52am
prolapse caused by hysteroscopy
Thank you both so much for answering me. Just reading your comments is a comfort. I can't tell you how much it helps.
I am going to try to do the kneeling posture and see if that helps. I have been trying lying down (on my back) with my lower body elevated with pillows. But, now I think that maybe that was pushing the organs to the back (instead of the front). Maybe this kneeling posture will help.
My biggest problem is that starting about midday, I feel that my bladder is suddenly very very full (even though it isn't). I guess that's when things loosen up and start pressing down. It's so uncomfortable, and I really don't know what to do for it. So far I have no problems with leakage or anything like that (well--I've had a bit of trouble when I sneeze ever since my last child was born, but that's been 26 years now--not really a problem).
I'm surprised that a hysteroscopy (even if the gyn. was pulling down) could bruise up and damage the pelvic floor so much. But, I guess I'm still hoping that's it--because it means I have a bit of room for improvement as all of that heals up.
June 9, 2011 - 11:18am
Just a gentle reminder that this level of invasive “prevention” in women’s health is very new. I have a wonderful quote (can’t take the time to locate it atm) by a female M.D. from the 1800s who was concerned that women were being persuaded toward regular vaginal exams by the new, male-controlled practice of gynecology. In olden times women kept their own culture and midwives had great knowledge about common symptoms of the pelvis - and how to alleviate them.
I’m sorry you have suffered this treatment, but agree with Louise that you should recover just fine. At least your experience allowed you to find the Whole Woman work. :)
June 9, 2011 - 1:27pm
prolapse from surgery
Thanks so much for answering, Christine. I wish I could be as optimistic as you and Louise are that this will get a little better. Since this so rarely happens with hysteroscopy, there are really no examples of women who have had it improve. It certainly hasn't gotten any better in the two and a half weeks since surgery.
I just got back from walking my dog, and I felt huge pressure on my bladder the whole time. I'm pretty miserable.
June 9, 2011 - 1:35pm
looking for ideas
Not sure if you'll come back and see this. But was there anything you did that you felt helped in particular?
June 9, 2011 - 2:11pm
Hi hiker_annie
Welcome to the forum!
I have just posted a rather fed-up thread as a reply to another member who is experiencing pushing feelings as in wanting to push a baby out. Recently I have been experiencing pressure problems in the lower regions. My symptoms aren't quite the same as yours or hers, however the concerns for the future are the same. I love hiking - and cycling and gardening etc. At times we wonder if we will ever do these nice things again.
However - here is the positive bit. We only have to read the forums for a while to see just how much women all over the world have been helped by the Whole Woman approach. Rest, comfortable clothing and good diet being essential. And certain sensible adaptations. Louise's advice to take life easier for a while is valid. build up a little each day. Your big planned hike can still happen, but perhaps cut down on mileage. Let your partner walk further and find a way of meeting up. It is early days yet; treat yourself to some good films or books or craft to take your mind away from the active stuff that has to be scaled down.
I am 100% optimistic that each hurdle can be overcome. And in fact I have proved it already. When I first discovered my POP I had a couple of days of tears and just couldn't apply myself to anything - even the washing up.. Whole Woman website, book and DVD has made an enormous difference.. Since then, on several occasions I have cycled 20 miles and more, continue to garden (though try to avoid the heavy stuff) and am so grateful for this band of sisters out there.
There will be good days and not so good days. Hang on in there.
Lotus flower
June 10, 2011 - 1:44am
Hi hiker-annie
Dear hiker-annie,
The W.W posture has helped the most. At first it was a bit tiring so I made sure I got some rest. I'm now in posture all the time. I sleep on my side with my knees drawn up with a small pillow between my knees and my belly relaxed onto the mattress and a slight lumbar curve. I avoid being in an obtuse angle.(see page 171 in Christines latest book for more details) This I have had to be creative about because most furniture and car seats put me in this angle. I use a cushion in the small of my back in my car and have managed to fiddle with the angle of the seat. Ivé had to rethink everything I do, but it has been very worthwhile. I have also changed how I sit on the toilet (see page 120 in the book)which has helped so much, I was feeling like I needed to pee way to often,now my bladder empties properly and that feeling has gone away. This position has also helped with BMs. I make sure my BMs are always soft and almost come out on their own without straining at all. This makes a huge difference to how comfortable my day is! I will write again soon Annie, I hope this helps. Love Lotus flower.
Lotus flower
June 10, 2011 - 2:44am
I'm on a role hiker-annie
Dear Annie,
Another thing that helped me was really getting my head around why this posture works and getting familiar with where everything is. I did a lot of reading. I also did a self-exam, which for me took a bit of courage because I felt a bit freaked out. Christines book has a chapter about how to do this. I put a bit of ky jelly on my fingers and went exploring. The more I learn the better I feel, the fear has gone. I feel a great tenderness and appreciation for my body.
Love Lotus flower.
June 10, 2011 - 4:27am
Know your enemy
Hi Lotus Flower
Thanks for your very supportive comments to Hiker-annie. If only we could bottle your words!
It is so true. So much of overcoming POP is overcoming fear of the unknown; fear of what we don't know about the very body that carries us around 24/7, fear of what we imagineor have been told, and fear of what the future will bring for us with this TMI condition, so scary that we dare not speak its name in public.
Being able to have your fears dissolve in front of you is true liberation. To know the enemy is to have it half-conquered. Once we let it out into the light its screeching and howling quiets to a whisper or a low growl.
Light the lamps!
June 10, 2011 - 9:52am
Thank you all for your support. And Lotus Flower, thanks so much for the ideas. I have changed how I sit on my couch in the family room. Now I just have to figure something out for the car. And Louise, thanks for the encouragement. I think I still am a little freaked out just by the whole idea of this--it was sort of a shock when I discovered it. I've probably been making it worse with all the worry.
Onward to better days!
Hiker Annie
Lotus flower
June 10, 2011 - 7:01pm
Feeling ancient hiker-annie?
Dear Annie,
I remember this feeling at the beginning of my journey!! After spending a whole day in my pajamas lurking on the internet over- dosing on junk and caffeine and doing to many peek a boos with a mirror down under I peered into the bathroom mirror and said,''WHO THE HECK IS THAT???"
I then realized I had'nt had a good cry. So I just let it happen and it felt soooo good!!
I then decided to treat myself the way I would my dearest friend.We have a spot in our kitchen where I can sit on a bar stool and eat breakfast. I moved my chopping block to this spot on the countertop and sat in ww posture(the stool has a perfectly placed rung for my feet) I prepared beautiful Ayurvedic meals for myself.
I set up my bathroom as a tender loving care centre. I stocked up on everything to take care of myself( there are so many tips on this forum) epson salts for sitz baths. Balms and oils for tender spots. Lots of soft wash cloths for gentle care.
Next I had a good look at my clothes and played dress up. I bought a couple of beautiful skirts that felt and looked good in posture. When I walk down the street Annie I feel so womanly and grounded. There is a courage and confidence that comes from sitting and moving in this way.
I then started to witness my thoughts. This is a very powerful thing to do, because as you witness your thoughts shifting between the past and the future and constantly changing you realize you are not your thoughts and that the you can choose how you use your mind, and that the witness is who you really are. The source of wisdom, love, compassionand joy.
When we are both elderly Annie we will have exquisite posture, be finely attuned to our beautiful bodies needs.We will be intuitive, wise and full of gratitude for all that we have learn't on our journey.( and have perfect BMs)
Talk to you later Annie
Love Lotus flower.
June 10, 2011 - 8:14pm
Lotus flower-I love your posts!
Thanks for inspiring me with your words and approach to our common shared problem :-) and I love your name on here ....reminds me of the 7th chakra where I think of a lotus flower. I so resonated with your words and you inspired me to have have another go at self exam, pretty well as I suspected , if I have it right.So thank you,with love kiwigirl.
Lotus flower
June 10, 2011 - 11:51pm
Thank you Christine,Louise & Forum women
Dear Christine,
Thankyou for sharing your personal story in such a public way and your commitment to helping others. I appreciate all that you are doing and how kind and thoughtful you are. You have helped me so much!!!
Dear Louise,
I love your sense of humour, practical advice and ability to write about things that nobody usually talks about in such a matter of fact helpful way. Thankyou so much!!!
Thankyou all you forum women, it is an honour to join hands with you, what a warm generous group you are.
Love Lotus flower.
June 11, 2011 - 8:05pm
urinary frequency
Thank you all so much for all of the encouragement and kind advice. I am taking so much of it to heart.
I seem to be having some new symptoms. Well sort of new anyway. When I first found my prolapse, I didn't really notice any pain or trouble near my bladder. But, in the last week, I've been having to use the toilet several times an hour (it just feels like I have to--I don't really). This isn't all the time--I had a good day yesterday with none of those feelings.
Any ideas for things to do to make oneself more comfortable while this is going on?
Do you think that I'm making this worse by tensing up around it? Anyone else dealt with this?
Lotus flower
June 11, 2011 - 9:19pm
Annie I had this problem too!
Hi Annie,
I had this problem too. Give this a try. When you sit on the toilet lift yourself slightly off the toilet seat by rocking forward onto your feet into a half squat. I have been able to empty my bladder better this way. I was feeling the need to pee to many times a day. A lot of the time hardly any pee came out. Since doing this the frequency is normal, the flow and quantity is normal. Try limiting tea and coffee as well. I do BMs in this position too. Keep asking questions. Im retired and have the time. I would love you to feel like I do. I couldnt even handle standing at the checkout at the super market and look at me now!!!
Love Lotus flower
Little Bit
June 12, 2011 - 10:27am
Toilet Tips
Lotus Flower, I do something very similar to what you described for Annie. I am a very small person and I have found that when I "rock forward" that I really need to elevate my heals slightly. Also, those times that I feel like I need to empty my bladder and just can't go, I have found that if I get right up off the toilet seat, tuck my butt under so that it is easier to push things in, gently push things in and then sit right back down, I can pee with no problems at all. This has really helped me and it seems to work for me every single time.
There is also something that I have been doing to encourage a BM. When I get the urge to go but nothing seems to be happening, I sit on the toilet as described and as I gently rock forward, I take a very deep breath and then exhale through my mouth as I gently come backward but all the time keeping my actual butt slightly off the seat and not straining. It usually only takes a few of these deep breaths before I do have a very easy BM. My thoughts are that I am straightening out my "pipes" as I am doing this. In other words, what I am doing is how Christine describes to use the toilet but with the controled breathing added to help things along. I am not holding my breath at all just breathing deep through my nose and raising my chest as I do this and exhaling through my mouth as I rock slightly back. If I am doing anything that I shouldn't be doing, maybe Christine or Louise will coment. I have been doing this for several weeks now and it does work for me.
Little Bit
Lotus flower
June 12, 2011 - 6:13pm
Toilet tips
Thankyou Little Bit and Hi there Annie,
Its so good having these ideas in my tool kit. I tried adding the deep breaths. The relaxation from it was really helpful! Ill experiment with the rest next time.
Earlier in my pop journey I would be sitting at my desk and feeling the BM urge and walk down the hallway to the bathroom and everything would shuffle around by the time I got there and the urge would be gone. I even had the wacky idea of zooming down the hall on my desk chair ( that has wheels)and leaping onto the toilet. I decided not to freak out my husdand (who was at saturation point with this topic) or spook the dogs!!lol or I would of.
In amongst our challenges is some really funny stuff. I laughed so hard reading some of csf's posts I thought all my organs were going to land on the floor. Tricky being in posture laughing like that.
Love Lotus flower.
June 12, 2011 - 8:31pm
Elephant stamp for LittleBit!
Clever girl, LittleBit. It is kind of like using firebreathing in a different way!
Lotus flower
June 13, 2011 - 9:57pm
Thanks again Little Bit
Thanks Little Bit,
Amazing tips!!I find it very touching (I almost wrote moving LoL) that you spent the time to write such a helpful thoughtful post. It feels good knowing you are out there.
Love Lotus flower
Little Bit
June 14, 2011 - 1:03pm
Lotus flower & Louise
Lotus flower,
You are so very welcome. It was your post though that reminded me that I really needed to let all the other women on this site know about what I had discovered, probably by pure accident or maybe it was instinct, but it has helped me a lot.
Thank you for the "elephant stamp", that made my day.
Little Bit
Lotus flower
June 14, 2011 - 8:50pm
Hiker-annie. Flowers for you
Dear Annie,
Just thought I would send a bouquet of imaginary native Australian flowers from my garden to you.
Love Lotus flower
June 15, 2011 - 7:09pm
yoga dvd
I have been doing WW exercises off and on for 2 years. I gave up for a while when I thought they would not work for those of us who have had a hysterectomy. I am 63. My POP was awful and always was so annoying all the time. I ordered the yoga DVD that Christine mad and I feel so much better. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to improve. I love it and try to do it every morning before work. Thank you Christine!
June 16, 2011 - 11:38am
WWY dvd
Great to hear, Meribelle. I am so interested to see how it does over time in the Yoga community!! :)
December 17, 2011 - 4:49am
I realize I am very late to
I realize I am very late to this conversation -- and haven't been on the site much in the past years, though I do check in. However, I had to jump in here because my prolapse became symptomatic exactly 6 weeks after I, too, had a hysteroscopic procedure. This makes me so angry to read as my (now former) gyn said there was absolutely no connection between the procedure and the rectocele and cystocele that then became symptomatic ( and where I also had polyps removed thinking it would stop my heavy bleeding -- uh, no -- and she was so aggressive trying to get my cervix open that she lacerated the vaginal wall which then required sutures) . Was it probably there in some form already? Sure. I had a baby delivered vaginally 7 years earlier and a history of constipation so were the elements could very well have been in place. Be that as it may, 6 weeks to the day of the procedure (which, had been completely minimized by the GYN and which I foolishly had without getting a second opinion) , the rectocele became symptomatic. And she looked me square in the eye and told me there was NO relationship between the surgery and the prolapse symptoms and then blithely told me to ignore it and in "20 years come in for surgery to fix it."
Again, I weigh in here because I am hoping other women might consider carefully ANY surgical procedure. I realize there are circumstances when surgical interventions are unavoidable. However, in my case, with the proverbial hindsight of 20/20, I certainly wish I had walked away and not allowed my decision to be made from fear and the fear mongering of the doctor.
I hope those out there continue to explore these alternative treatments this site offers. They work.
Lots of love to all of you.