anus discomfort from kegals?


Hi all,
I've just started seeing a physiotherapist for help with my incontinence/prolapse. She said she can't help with the prolapse but she can with the incontinence. She had me do kegals the first 2 weeks and now I am noticing that I have discomfort at my anus. Could that be related to the kegals? I'm really wondering if it's counterproductive to do physio. Any advice or thoughts?


Firstly, Chelan, as you have noticed this discomfort since starting physio, I would suggests that you ask the physiotherapist if she knows what it might be.

If you are finding that you are getting more awareness of your pelvic floor muscles, and getting some control of them, then the benefit of physio speaks for itself. I experienced this after the birth of my second baby. Physio was invaluable for waking them up again. Then I could use them! Before that, there was no way.

Muscles need to be able to contract and stretch to their full extent if they are to do their job properly. Sometimes they need a little help. And sometimes getting the muscles to stretch further than they are accustomed to might make them a little uncomfortable for a while. I think they will get used to it and the discomfort will ease off after a while. But still ask the physio about it.

Using Wholewoman posture will keep them working because the muscles on the two sides of your pelvic floor contract and stretch alternately when we walk, run, dance, or wahtever, in WW posture. I see Kegels as being like putting CRC on a rusting joint, or a nut and bolt. Once you 'unstick' them and get them working properly you don't need to put CRC on the joint every time you want to loosen it, because you have already 'unstuck' it.


Hi Chelan, when you refer to your discomfort, i'm wondering if you mean you have a sore coccyx bone (tail bone) I mention this as i was also doing kegals when i was first diagnosed and even though the kegals helped when my pop was mild - it left me with a sore coccyx bone and also a pain in my side between my navel and hip joint which i feel when walking. My Gastro/int said that i will always have the pain in my side but i tend to differ and am thinking of having acupuncture but i'm in no rush. I think the pain in my side was caused by me using the wrong position whilst doing kegals, so maybe a change of position could help you. I hope you find the answer to your discomfort and i would agree with Louise about talking to your Physio. Wishing you all the best.
