Magic powers needed shouting from the roof tops to get help...


hi everyone hope everyone is in good frames of new.....its so nice to have found this place like coming home...............its sad that it takes someone whom has pain to help others but then thats the best help you can get i cant thank christine kent enough for giving everyone hope.xoxo
I just found out about 3 months ago that i have bladder prolapse and may be uterus also degree one so they say. I had to fight to get diagnosed my gp refused to refer me telling me nothing was wrong with me. so i refered my self.

The gyno was harsh and very rushed he put me to sleep to investigate......and after he just said yes u have prolapse goodbye. ive had some physio pelvic floor. The thing im finding one really wants to help or even talk on a human level seems you really have to shout from the roof tops until you get the help you need and research it all on your own then demand help until its given. Its been so stressful a zig zag of emotions and panic attacks....just being left and the door shut in your face without being given any information and the lack of compassion is amazing.

I know that its hard some days to even get out of bed but then a part of be knows blue sky's are coming.

I'm not sure what to do next have a pessary do yoga or if to get a new bike ha ha i might get a new bike. This is the only place i have found that actually helps people. It sometimes seems to me that the medical field just do a job and end up treating real people like a job. The saga continues..........hope to bug u all sooner than later everyone...xox peace

Hi Enjoybeingsick35

Medical/surgicalworld has shown us time and time again that they have very little to offer the woman with prolapsed pelvic organs, and what they can offer irrevocably changes our god-given natural structures to a point where we can no longer use our own bodies as they were designed to retain our pelvic organs.

We can do an awful lot ourselves though.

I suggest that you purchase the book Saving the Whole Woman and check out Christine's DVD's. The book will give you the theory about why Wholewoman techniques work and set you on the path to understanding how your body is designed to retain your pelvic organs. All you gotta do is give it the chance by using WW posture, improving your diet, clothing and environment, and learn how to use your body in ways that are supportive, rather than destructive.

You can view videoclips from the videos at YouTube. Wholewomaninc is the channel. You can purchase these from the Wholewoman Store, link in the purple banner at the top of the page.

Interesting username? Hope you'll tell us about it some day.


Hi enjoybeingsick35
Just to empathise with our feelings at this difficult time. Yes, the medical fraternity seem to have very little to offer and are quite dismissive. I remember getting mixed messages- feeling my life as a woman was over and also that I was making a fuss about something not that serious. If only I'd shut up or have an operation seemed to be the not so subtle message.

I think part of the communication problem arises because for many women pop really isn't a serious problem - they are right there, it's not an illness and it's not disabling for most of us. However, it feels like an emergency at first because it feels as though our most intimate insides are falling out.

Just to reassure you, from one who felt just like you this time ten months ago: your insides aren't falling out and once you have really learned to live in whole woman posture it can't get any worse - everything is protected by the pubic bone, as it is designed to be. I hardly notice my pop now, but I've certainly learned so much here that will help me live a much healthier life. Keep asking questions and reading, and you'll get there. You're not sick, just a bit lived in, like the rest of us.


Thank you kindly... Doubtful for the welcome, and most of all for writing back..........speaking with you and you responding has given me new hope and most of all it has given me reassurance. wishing u a BEAUTIFUL day xox

Thank you, for writing back Louise and for your understanding.....I will look at the information.

I'm glad you like my username......

..I guess being sick should be enjoyed i guess it makes you see your life and others with that much more passion.

It makes you stop and smell the roses or even taste a few poppies haha.....I wish others 2 have hope and to walk in the rain with bright yellow sunshiny umbrellas.

update you all soon....tight hug::....
x peace