When I first “cracked the code” on stabilizing and reversing prolapse, and wrote and published Saving the Whole Woman, I set up this forum. While I had finally gotten my own severe uterine prolapse under control with the knowledge I had gained, I didn’t actually know if I could teach other women to do for themselves what I had done for my condition.
So I just started teaching women on this forum. Within weeks, the women started writing back, “It’s working! I can feel the difference!”
From that moment on, the forum became the hub of the Whole Woman Community. Unfortunately, spammers also discovered the forum, along with the thousands of women we had been helping. The level of spamming became so intolerable and time-consuming, we regretfully took the forum down.
Technology never sleeps, however, and we have better tools today for controlling spam than we did just a few years ago. So I am very excited and pleased to bring the forum back online.
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Best wishes,
Christine Kent
Whole Woman
June 26, 2011 - 10:09am
hi enjoybeingsick35
first, I would NOT do the firebreathing or the nauli while menstruating. give your uterus a break! its working hard enough getting rid of excess lining this week, it doesnt need these powerful exercises working it now. also, there is some speculation about pulling the flow the wrong way and if/how that affects endometriosis, never really understood that myself, not sure if the mechanism is well proven or understood, but why chance it, ya know? you can get back to these exercises in a few days anyway.
as far as why you have more period pain now, my thoughts are that its less related to bladder position than to uterine position, not that it matters as everything is connected. my guess is that if the uterus and supporting tissues are being stretched or not well supported, than yes, it might be more uncomfortable when you are menstruating.
I'm not sure what you mean about your bladder getting 'hard' or 'less strong' so cant really comment on that.
also dont know much about discharge in urine, maybe that's one of those things that you ask a dr about?
anyway, keep paying attention to all these changes and before long you will be an expert on your body and pieces of the puzzle will begin to fall into place. its all part of the journey.
June 26, 2011 - 1:04pm
thank's menstruation
Thank's for the reply yes.....makes sense not to over do it during period time cheers.
June 26, 2011 - 7:05pm
Hi Enjoy Re periods, I used
Hi Enjoy
Re periods, I used to feel that I urinated a lot during menstruation, and it felt like the muscles controlling my bladder were weaker during menstruation. I think there is a lot of fluid being got rid of during menstruation, and much of it probably comes out as urine.
If you think of menstruation as being a little birth, all this loosening of ligaments and muscles, and getting rid of fluid afterwards, makes some sense. Because there is some action happening there is also a lot of blood flow in the pelvis too. Excess blood will cause tissues to become swollen and maybe very sensitive, like bruising or inflammation. With your uterus and bladder out of position it is quite possible that they are uncomfortable, and don't like being that way. They are probably pressing on each other and irritating each other.
Re the tissue in your urine, I guess our bodies are sloughing off surface cells all the time. You have noticed it possibly only because you are focussing on your bladder and uterus right now. Gmom is correct. Best to ask a doctor about this.
Can you explain a bit more what you mean about your bladder becoming harder after a period?
June 26, 2011 - 11:18pm
Hey, Enjoybeingsick35,
Hey, Enjoybeingsick35,
Periods: I agree, everything is softer and more tender during these days. MY POP improved a lot turing the last 3 years, but around my period my otherwise firm front vaginal wall (where the bladder is) softens.
Pamper yourself, have plenty of rest, eat good food. I never do firebreathing or Nauli during my period, it felt weird for me when I tried.
White things in urine: my kids have this sometimes, usually after a busy, jumpy, crazy day. Our ped checked and she said it is some protein, no need to worry about it since it is not permanent.
June 26, 2011 - 11:24pm
Sensitive body during menstruation
Liv, I can only agree heartily on this. I no longer menstsruate but found a correlation many years ago between the fourth and then first week of my cycles and injuries to my body. I only realised it after turning up to my masseur many, many times while menstruatilng, and wondering why it was that I was always menstruating when I had a massage.
I figured out that it was usually because I had overdone it the previous week, and made an appointment which was usually about a week hence.
I never did figure out whether it was primarily a menstrual cycle thing, or primarily a POP thing. I have had POP for so long now.
Be gentle on yourself is the way to go. It is a sacred time.
June 27, 2011 - 5:08am
Thanks louise
yes gentle agreed, thank you for ur help x
June 27, 2011 - 5:13am
thank you,clavicula
I am happy to hear that your pop has improved over the last 3 years :) xoxox YES I HEAR YOU PAMPER :)
June 27, 2011 - 5:22am
Im not sure as yet. I thinK im still learning about whats going on with the bladder.DANCE...LOL..
seems the bladder is more solid if you will tighter in the space where it has fell after period lol .IF THAT MAKES ANY SENSE :D..
.i guess ill be able to explain it better when i understand whats going on myself early days early days lol:)
thank's so much for all ur help AND FOR EVERYONE BEING Hear WITH UR EARS ;P xox::hug:;
June 27, 2011 - 7:31am
The harder bladder thing
I agree. I think we need to revisit the 'harder' thing after you have figured out a bit more. You have so much to learn, and you obviously have great curiosity. You will get your answers because you want to find them.
Keep asking questions too. I learn a lot from trying to figure out answers to questions. And some of your questions will be easy to answer, I am sure. Often we make new discoveries about our bodies when a small group of Members discusses the answer to a question. It is all a very cooperative business!
There is no body of authoritative knowledge about POP, though I concede that there is an 'authoritative' body of knowledge about POP repair surgery.
All we know is what we discover to be true, and what is backed up by our Members' experiences. A lot of what the gyns say is also correct. Some of it seems to us to be partly true, or sometimes true, or incomplete and some of it is not, as far as we can see, as true as it is made out to be by many doctors.
The quest for truth continues
June 29, 2011 - 5:15am
recent swab (white stuff)
so they say that the white stuff ......is thrush.......
I think i need to cut out sugar and i do seem to eat a lot of white bread...........i wonder what i can eat? and how 2 be rid of it naturally!
has any one had thrush b4?
June 29, 2011 - 8:37am
Our old friend (NOT)
Well, well, well. Our old friend Candida. Yes, I have had it in the past, but not for several years now, not since I started WW work in fact. Use the search box to find out how many women have had thrush and what we have done about it. Candida is commonly found in the digestive tract and is one of the organisms that is thought to be transferred to the vulva, then to the vagina or urethra or whatever, by cross infection via knickers, or by wiping the wrong way.
Have a look at the anti-inflammatory diet video in Christine's Kitchen. This will give you an idea of how you can vary your diet and be kinder to your body. Check out the healthy diet pyramid. There are many different versions. The Australian one says 5 vegetables and 2 fruit a day, plus some protein at every meal, and whole grain cereals, with a tiny bit of bad oils and sugar. I prefer to use the principle of eating foods as close to how they are harvested as possible. This means lots of veges and fruit, quite a bit of whole grain breads etc, nuts, seeds, minimally processed dairy foods, range fed or wild meats, and not too much out of a packet, jar or tin. White bread is not a good idea because we load it with fat and sugary spreads, and it is simply empty carbohydrate, which allows your blood sugar levels to fluctuate. Less processed foods take longer to go through, so they keep your blood sugar a lot more stable. I don't think candida thrives when you have a good diet, so it is worth cleaning up your diet while you treat the thrush. Thrush seems to be the canary in the mine, telling us that we need to clean up our act.