Flat feet won't cooperate!


I have incorporated the WW posture and firebreathing and naoli (sp?) into my daily routine--and really love it. I like to do the beginner workout with the DVD but I am not in good athletic condition and have VERY flat feet--there is no way I can walk on my toes--maybe when I'm dreaming in my sleep! So, when the DVD is doing stuff that I cannot do, I just fill in with other steps instead.

In the meantime, I am very overweight and have been looking at some basic exercise routines like Oxycise--serious breathing along with some basic movements for different parts of the body, it is supposed to help even with cellulite because of the oxygen you take in. I am wondering if anyone has tried the Oxycise program. Of course, I know that any moves and the breathing will need to be done only if the WW posture can be maintained.


Me like you have also added WW posture and firebreathing and.... still learning naliu...ive only been doing it for the last 3 days....and it does seem to make me feel some what better.

Im overweight also and have started walking every day.and i am trying my bestist to fit it in the day.....its early days for me and im trying to change my diet so thus should help in the weight area. Im not sure what oxycise is,
...... don't worry about ur flat feet.... i would think as long as you keep ww posture im sure your own steps will be just fine as long as you.... feel safe and balanced in your own movement's. :)


Hi Enjoy

Their website doesn't really give you much idea of what sort of exercise program it is, so it is hard to say. I did note that they sell a workout tape to do in the car while commuting. I hope it is for passsengers only!

It sounds to me to be a basic commonsense, do-able set of workouts for the whole body, that anyone can do. The testimonials do the selling of something which probably works, if only because it starts with something achievable, for people who currently do little exercise at all and have little body awareness. Many exercise and fitness systems use this Testimonial style marketing. If it is no good they won't get convincing testimonials. Or else they commission the testimonials.

"Doing something is much better than doing nothing" is my motto for exercise. All you can do is buy a DVD and get started I guess, and make your own judgement, based on how well it fits with the principles of Wholewoman.

Then report back and tell us about it and what you think.

Louise :-)