I just love it


How blessed I am to have a POP. Without it, I would never have come across all you wonderful ladies who share so richly your stories . Sometimes sad, sometimes glad and sometimes awfully funny. When the world seems such a scary confusing place, I can log onto the forum and somehow feel a little connected to each of you.

I know the feeling...it's great to have this place it sure has made me see the sunny side to pop :)


I have to agree, I am grateful for the support. Two months ago I didn't know what POP was. My life has changed so much. I'm trying not to have my entire life revolved around this new discovery, but it has been difficult to think about much else since I've received this new dx.
Last Friday I canceled the sacropexy surgery I was scheduled to have on July 13st. I didn't feel ready. Since then, I have received two books in the mail. One is Christine Kent's book, Saving the Whole Woman, and the other book is Pelvic Organ Prolapse by Sherrie Palm. (Has anyone read this?) Both books are providing me with a tremendous amount of information. I wish I had read them two months ago prior all my doctor appointments. It would have given me a better understanding of what is happening.
Now I am learning that this is a prevalent problem. Except for this forum, I am so curious why I don't know anyone in my community who has experienced this or anyone who has had the surgery for this. Since I have had a hysterectomy, most likely I will need the surgery within the year, although I'm going to try WW posture and exercises and see what I can do. In the meantime, I feel that I need to seek out a surgeon and be ready with a surgeon when I decide it is time.
I'm quite confused about all this and perhaps this forum isn't the place since I get the feeling that many of you are able to avoid the surgery, but do any of you know about the differences between open abdominal and robotic surgery? Also, do you know anything about using a synthetic mesh, vs not using a mesh? Or can you guide me to where I can find good information to these questions? there is a lot of confusing information out there and I'm trying to be an informed patient when I go to these doctor's appointments.
My other problem is that I have moderate hip arthritis and I can't sit in the seated position for some of the yoga exercises. I will probably need hip replacement at some point. It makes it difficult to be in pelvic exam position. I will have a cortisone shot in my hip prior so that I can tolerate the surgery when I have it.
Yes, I feel I need a lot of emotional support. I'm turning 60 in a few months. A year ago I felt so healthy, and now I have these issues. I keep telling myself how lucky I am - it's not life threatening - it's just issues and they can be overcome. It's just a bump in the road. But right now it's causing me a lot of angst and I am doing so much research to find out more information. Now I'm trying to figure out the best surgery option and if minimally invasive surgery is a possibility.

Hi Tova
this is Sammy speaking- yes I am a real person with all the issues you can find under Sammy if you just hit the red Sammy under my name attached to this comment.
Simply put, my understanding of surgery is that it tries to attach the sag to some place safe - Mesh, sutures and body tissue being the "thread:
My first take on this was "how foolish" But trusting in God and the medical profession, had it done with mesh(removed upper part of uterus and sutured 5cm piece of mesh to both remaining cervix and sacral ligaments at tailbone- Had mesh inserted abdominally - what a pain until it healed--stayed up 2 years and then started coming thru my vagina- I could not belive this- the doctor assured me the mesh would be there with my bones in 50 years.. he was wrong- it got infected and was laproscopically removed.
My understanding of robotic surgery is that the robots are programmed to do the work of laproscopy where flesh is attached using a medium such as fascia ligaments, mesh or sutures.
I am still a very healthy person but have now bleeding contantly from my vagina which they say not to worry about since it was medically caused..I am coping by wearing a donut pessary
So wish I had used it before surgery.. Pessaries are recommended armanatures of surgeons but it seems many are not armed properly.
I am not at all trying to make you feel bad about possible surgery- just hoping that non surgical methods can be found for all women
I have no bowel or bladder problems and am still capable of enjoying the 8000 nerve endings that are suppose to be down there..so I really wish to leave well enough alone ....but will need help getting the pessary and bleeding in a comfortable place. i talk a lot to friends, family and associated and know others suffer from this.

I feel the same! So empowering group of ladies here! Tons of info you could not find elsewhere.
I love this board too. :)
