How are you Jessie Girl?


I've been thinking about Jessie Girl recently, and hoping she's not been posting because she's feeling better/ enjoying student life etc. Just in case you do drop by Jessie Girl, wishing you all the best.


Hi Doubtful,
Thanks so much for the post.
Hmmm, I don't know about feeling better. I have my good and bad days.
I know it's what I always post about but it's really been my biggest issue - the whole "loose" feeling.
God, I hate it so much. Hahaha, some times I just have to laugh at how ridiculous it is. The fact that my vagina can make me so upset.
I haven't been posting lately because I think I was trying to pretend it wasn't happening. But as I keep obsessively googling symptoms I always end up right back here :)
Thanks again for the thoughts :)
x Jessie girl

Good to hear that you are still with us.

Have you spoken with any of your friends or relatives your age, about the sensations they experience?

Remember that the email facility is there too, if you want to ask questions of particular Members without posting on the Forum itself. It can sometimes be pretty confronting putting it all out there on the Net.


Hi Jessie girl,
good to hear you're still close by but sorry to hear about your ongoing loose vaginal feeling which i can relate to. I find the more firebreathing i do the less i feel the loosness. Also it pays to check the posture as sometimes it can feel we are doing it right as we feel we are standing up really straight with our spine erect but if we really examine ourselves we often find that we haven't included the lift and without the lift the posture is not complete, and therefore cannot assist in the lifting of organs and improvement of symptoms. The lift is a very important part of the posture. This is what happened to me in the beginning until, through reading endless posts i became aware that the lift was often missing.
You could be doing it right but just be mindful of this and always check yourself. I feel that in my case the organs (don't know which ones) are low and therefore pushing the vaginal lining down to create like a ruffled or gathered effect in the lining itself ( if you know what i mean) and therefore causing this loose feeling, so once the culprit organ/organs is lifted through posture and breathing, the vaginal lining should straighten itself out and become more comfortable. I am no expert but feel that this is the case with me. i feel that with constant WW work it should right itself especially as you are so young.
Hope this helps you Jessie Girl and keep in touch.
Hugs Mishek