stretch marks


I am not sure that this topic really fits here, but it doesn't seem to fit anywhere else either.

I am wondering if there is a correlation between prevalence of stretch marks, and when they started, with POP?

I suspect that stretch marks may be a marker for weak connective tissue.

I first got stretch marks on my breasts as a teenager, when my breasts were filling out in my mid teens. I then got them around my hips during my first pregnancy. They never got any worse than that.

How old were you when you first got them, if you did?

Is there anyone with POP who doesn't have any stretch marks?


Me. Not a one. (Ducking now to dodge any hatefully tossed overripe fruit). But definite experience with POP.

I got a lot of strechmarks at my belly with my pregnancy when I was 28 years old.

That's one all. Phwoom! There goes the first tomato.

Any other contributors to the survey?


Thighs as a kids, which have since faded. and then barely but just a little on second pregnancy at the very end and i was so ticked because it was after i'd already asked my doctor to please induce me because on gut feeling it was too long to be pregnant and something was wrong since i hadn't felt movement. (And it did turn out that the cord was around his neck and was restricting his movement!! So my gut feeling was right!) She ended up inducing me anyway right AFTER i had just gotten those fricking marks. (My son was fine in the long run but I don't think he needed that rough birth and earlier would have been better. Amazing that the one time a woman WANTS an induced birth it's declined. She said it was too soon but birth dates are so estimated anyway, I really felt we should induce..I was feeling NO movement after a very, very active kicking level all pregancy!) Sigh.

When I read your comment, Louise, I thought that was a brilliant connection (get the pun : ). But my mom never got even one, and yet had pop probably pretty badly. I still do wonder if it might be a sign that it might be in one's future! Like I'd wonder the reverse, how many with s marks DON'T have pop? I think the deeper connection though might be lack of zinc, as lack of zinc is what lays the groundwork for stretchmarks. Ages ago I knew someone who did their thesis on that. That white spots on the nails and s marks were an indication of a lack of zinc. It MIGHT follow that zinc helps rectify pop, who knows. I do have zinc vitamins in my closet. : ) And I did happen to get better. : )

I have stretch marks on my stretch marks. Also, my skin has sagged on my upper thighs and stomach since I was 23 and first pregnant. I read somewhere that stretch marks are an indicator of possible prolapse. The connection may be partly genetic and partly diet. I didn't eat very well when I was constantly trying to lose weight. Then, I experienced a "leaky gut".

Recently, I used a product developed to improve intestinal permeability. Since completing the six month repair and recolonization, I can better absorb nutrients. My skin and nails are better. Some health food stores might be able to help with products to improve intestinal permeability. I have a homeopathic doctor who provides tests for conditions and supplements to correct the problem.
It is so true. You are what you eat.

Me. 3 pregnancies, not a single stretch mark.
Am I an alien or what? :D


For some reason I got stretch marks on my bigger boob when first pregnant and not on the other.I did jump up in size considerably ;-)
No other stretch marks though, which amazes my daughter! and I definitely have POP big time.,btw my mother never had any and she was a well rounded woman.(I suspect she had pop).

I am impressed with the number of stretch marks I have on my lower belly and breasts- I have quite severe prolapse but my breasts are not that saggy

If i look hard enough with a magnifiying glass out in the light it would be a strain to see my maybe one or two stretch marks on my hips and breasts - i don't know can't see them enough to say. but what i do know is that, in the very hot summers, i lived in a bikini around the house up until the age of around 45 (no apologies for my boasting :) so you couldn't see them back then either otherwise there was no way i would have worn a bikini. I don't remember when i first saw them as it just wasn't an issue, although i had my babies at the ages of 21, 24 and 29yrs.

Hi Melhop,

I read your post, and I would like to know, what treatment did you get,
with your leaky gut syndrome, I have a senitive colon.

Hi Shekina, my treatment was prescribed by my doctor after testing. It takes some time and commitment to change how you absorb nutrients. There isn't a quick fix. It was first discovered I have food sensitivities to milk, eggs, and yeast. You can search the web for an elimination diet to indicate food sensitivities. When I avoided these foods and received sublingual drop therapy, much of my inflammation disappeared. My doctor suspected I had a leaky gut because of my low level of vitamins and minerals in my system. I am taking a multi-vitamin and several supplements. When I get retested, if the levels are still low I may possibly need a liver cleanse. You may be able to talk to a local health food store if your doctor is not familiar with holistic approaches to help your colon. Be careful not to be too aggressive unless you are under a doctor's care.

I was maybe in middle school when I discovered stretch marks on my inner thighs and then when I became more "endowed" I had them on my breasts too! All of them have faded to barely noticeable thankfully. With my first pregancy I got stretch marks on my sides and a small one on my belly button. With the second pregnancy I got a few on my lower belly and didn't realize they were even there until after the birth. No spots on nails they have always been very healthy and normal and my breasts are not saggy!:)

Hey ladies, on the saggy breasts topic, I see saggy breasts as being something that is obvious, but of no consequence, if that makes it clearer. That's where the comparison lies. I think Hugh Hefner invented the pencil test. Funny how we use the benchmark of a man like him, eh? As if the world's women need anyone benchmarking their breasts for Bunny suitability!

I used to have quite 'granular' breasts. Only recently (2 1/2 years post menopause) I have realised that I can no longer feel any breast tissue at all. Perhaps it is the red clover? Perhaps it is just menopause? Anyway, my breasts now actually sag. Perhaps that is why? They are very soft. I can now lie on them more comfortably. Yay!
