Post-Birth Advice Needed!!


I need to be quick - another baby with posterior tongue-tie who needs to be attached to me at all times!
I just had my baby yesterday, and am frantically trying to find information on how to safely use the toilet. I'm already slightly constipated, and everything is so very tender at the moment. I already have a recocele, and REALLY don't want anything else to go!
I am very short of time for looking things up online, so any answers on aftercare greatly appreciated. Going to take 'Saving the Whole Woman' to go nuse the baby again now...

Hi Moominmamma

I wouldn't worry too much about pooing. I think your body has probably just cancelled pooing for a few days, as it has been busy birthing a baby. You probably didn't eat much during the labour, so there wouldn't be a lot coming through. No point in having lots of stool sitting around inside during labour. Eat well, drink lots of water, and I am sure you will have a big poo in a few days, with no straining. I decided after my first that there was no way I was going to push it with all those stitches, though I was a tad worried. Sure enough, about day 3, big, normal poo. No straining. I felt so relieved. I didn't even bother thinking about it for the second and third births.

Hope you have a similar experience.

Urinating should be fine. Just make sure you drink enough to keep your urine pale, except in the early morning. . Now the birth has happened I think your body will be shedding lots of fluid. Keeping the urine in your bladder might be the biggest problem but as all the swelling goes down it will get better. Keep your bladder and uterus well forward with your posture. It is about the best thing you can do.

Good job! I second the advice for drinking plenty of water, maybe a little prune juice too. You can wrap your hand in tissue and support your perineum when the poo happens, also try a half-squat to prevent from straining against the seat. I remember the first poo from my first birth being less scary than I feared . . . Hope it is the same for me again when I have my #2 in a few weeks! Hope it goes well for you, and I doubt you could do any damage that could not be overcome with time, body shape, and TLC.

I once had a friend postpartum tell me that while she appreciated the meals people were bringing- people always seem to bring cheese and pasta based dishes which she found to be binding.
Postpartum I like to eat watermelon- for days! I had never considered the connection until she mentioned it but watermelon is super- keeps everything moving.
So, my advice is eat watermelon :)
aside from that I think it would be better to use an enema than to strain with constipation the day after giving birth.
and I usually experience what Louise describes- having a few days off.
But with my 3rd birth I accidentally had too much vitamin C drink during the labor and so I had to go soon after the birth.

Thank you for the reassurances. I have been eating watermelon and cherries and salad, though I know I need to stop fearing the full bladder and drink more. I'd just been panicking after another failed attempt that, despite avoiding straining, still gave me the horrid feeling I was about to push my womb out instead. I'm terrified of coughing or sneezing, too, and not sure whether it's normal for the cervix to sit so low just after birth?? I had another difficult labour with the baby stuck in a bad position, and lots of unproductive pushing.
I'm also trying to work out how to balance good posture with having to feed the baby in a reclining position - a lot - as it's the only way it works.

moominmama, I was rushed earlier and forgot to tell you congratulations!!! Now. You just did the most amazing thing. Your vagina just did a very amazing thing. Maybe instead of thinking about where your cervix is or worrying about pushing your womb out- think about how strong you are and just how perfect your body is. Your body rocks! You are a goddess. You go right on ahead and nurse that baby in any way that works. You have plenty of time to get the posture right and only this moment right now to enjoy your babymoon. You are nourishing your baby. What could be more perfect?
big hugs to you and wishes for good rest and healing

Thank you Alemama, I so needed to hear something positive! After a homebirth that wasn't (though I did manage without intervention in the end - thanks to some excellent midwives), and the discouragement of having a 2nd posterior baby stick tight in just the same way as the first time around, despite my efforts to keep myself fit and the baby well-positioned through the pregnancy, I then was stuck in bed for a week with a uterine infection, and feeling pretty low, like my body had let me down. I suspect I do have a lot of prolapse going on, but now that I've had a chance to read through this forum a bit, I'm a lot less fearful of it (even if it still feels horrid). I guess I was afraid that if I wasn't careful, I'd make things worse permanently. But I guess, really, I've got a lot of time to heal, and like you say, just this time with my sweet new baby.

Hey Moominmama

Every baby takes us to a new body space. Nothing is predictable. However, now you have a community out there somewhere which can help you to make sense of the things that are happening in your body.

Just go with the flow that Alemama suggested, and take it one day at a time. You are probably feeling a bit 'knocked off balance' still after the birth, but I am sure that with time you will get back on track, and will be able to deal with *anything* your body can dish up. Enjoy your baby. Enjoy being you.

I had a posterior first stage with my third (and best birth by far). DS2 flipped at transition, which was a weird and unsettling experience, but it is not something I would relish being caught up in for a second time. Anyway, you are now through this difficult life experiendce. Tick. On with life.
