Horse Riding and Prolapse


Hi, I have a moderate level bladder prolapse which occurred approx 3 months ago after the birth of my second child. I had two good pregnancies and births but had to have a manual placenta removal after my second birth which the more I read I suspect this has caused my prolapse. Anyway I am a very active horserider (at least up until having my baby) and I am wondering if it is safe to get back in the saddle with my prolapse. I have done some internet research and am getting different opinions. Some suggests that horseriding is a high impact sport which should be avoided but others say it is fine. I wonder if I just give it a go and see what happens? Has anyone tried it or have experience in this area?


Welcome. It's late, I'm very pregnant, and I should be sleeping, so this will be short, but I wanted to respond. First, 3 months pp is notoriously the time when prolapse appears at it's worst! Your body has about two years of natural reversion from pregnancy and childbirth ahead, so do not think that how you are now is how you will be. I did a fair amount of Western Pleasure in my youth, but it's been years (hundreds actually) since the last time I rode, so sorry not too helpful there. However, most of us here believe there is nothing that can't be done -- as long as you do it in the right posture. Have a look around this site, on the wholewoman channel of YouTube, and get ahold of the first aid for prolapse DVD if you can. Start learning how by returning to what is a woman's true posture, your pelvic organs can return to their correct places. Keep asking questions! Best wishes!

What kind of riding do you do, minimoo? I did endurance years ago (arguably not the greatest for prolapse, I would guess!) but your post has me thinking about would be very easy to stay in posture in an english saddle, though it might take some wrangling (no pun intended) to hold the reins high and close enough to your body to keep your shoulders from slumping forward. It's been decades since I rode english though so my memory is fuzzy. I don't know much about western pleasure, though those saddles always looked sooo comfy!
Also, I am thinking that posting and jumping would be great oppportunities to sort of have a work out in perfect WW posture! You could even work in some fast-paced breathing while posting to use your breath to reposition your organs. FAFP has a very similar exercise....
Coming soon, equine therapy for prolapse!
Do let us know what you find if you try riding....I am very curious...

Thanks for the feedback guys. I do dressage and I think I can hold the posture just like when I am sitting down and I can keep my elbows close to my body to keep my upper posture straight and upright. The main thing I was worried about is jiggling around my insides when I am in rising trot for example. My physio has suggested it might be too much at this stage. I am going to give it a go anyway and see what happens!