Wow a Gyno who actually told Me to NOT have surgery - T


OK I just typed all this - Then it dissapeared - Starts again...

OK The Gyno from BUPA phoned me up and we had a nice long chat - Basically he said - From my desciption that this is not a bad baddddddd prolapse as it is not bothering Me on a daily basis - It more bothers me mentally than physically - lol - He said he would not advocate an operation when it is not 'that bad' He said in the future that it may get worse - Or may stay the same - He said that Kegels will prolly not change the prolapse but help with other things etc...

I will see him in the Gyno clinic at some point when appointment arrives - He said that he cannot tell me whether to yes or no have another baby until he has looked at me in the clinic. But at the same time he said - My decision cannot be based on just this prolapse as it prolly wouldn't get any worse than it is and 3 pregnancies to 4 wouldn't make much difference :)

I am still worried - Nothing has changed - I am as scared as I was although he is a very nice man. But You people here - And Him - Have made me feel less 'freakish' and less alone :):)

So - I wait and see the gyno in the clinic. He sounded lovely on the phone. So time will tell... Just to talk - Nothing ouchy - lol...

I feel like time is running out - At my next Birthday will have reached the age I said I wouldn't go beyond... So I kinda feel that the decision was made for me by God or whoever in a way. But at least now I can decide without this making the decision for Me. :)

So all in all a good thing. And good that He does not try to talk me into having surgery :):)

Only time will tell...

We are all watching this Sue Awakening - someplace all of us have been. Once your body understands the posture (I really can't find any more words to explain it) and you have been practicing it for a few weeks, you will know your prolapse is stabilized. Whether you will also come to understand that the natural birth process is protective of your organs rather than destructive to them is still unknown. I'm glad you found a good doctor. Several women have come here and said "My doctor told me 'DON"T have the surgery!'"

Still another word about kegels. Several of our women have found them useful - maybe tightening the vaginal sphincter - so I don't want to argue with their success!! It's just that women can have very "strong" pf muscles and still have prolapse. My issue with kegels is their uselessness toward advanced prolapse.

Yeah - The Kegels have helped the peeing - Done nothing that much to the prolapse issue.

But as my own dr told him to talk to me about surgery - and his reply is 'If it ain't broke - don't 'fix' it'

MY PF isn't broken - Just in need of help :)

And I told him that surgery would just lead to more and more surgery and I am not willing to do that no matter what my dr says - He agreed with me and does not advocate surgery for surgeries sake - That is great - Not that I would let him get his hands on my nether regions anyways lolol

So - Prolapse being on the back burner - Now I hafta decide am I too old for one more child (Hey I am chief worrywart - I hafta worry about something - lolol)


I can relate to your dilema. We were not planning #3 when he arrived. But about two weeks before I would have conceived I was writing in my prayer journal that I felt I was to have 1 or 2 more children. I just wasn't planning on doing it for another year since I was returning to teaching full-time and starting my masters.

Now that he's almost a year old, I'm trying to decide if we should have one more or not. I worry about our ability to give another child enough attention as well as the children we already have. I'm also have scared with my age and my family history that I could end up with twins! :) It is a lot to consider. Sometimes though despite our best efforts the choice isn't always ours...:) Say happy birthday to Ty! LOL!