Signing off for a bit


Hi Whole Women

I don't think I'll be posting for quite a while as much more serious things than pop are happening in my life at the moment. I don't want to seem ungrateful - to seem like the sort of woman who get lots of help initially, tries to help others enthusiastically for a bit and then slopes off - it's just that life has got very difficult in other ways.. POP's a good bit better - feels under control and not generally on my radar - nothing like a crisis to make you get things in proportion - but I hope to be able to learn more and try to help others more at sometime in the future. This forum has got me through some very dark times and made me so much healthier - so thanks everyone and keep up the good work.


Hope your difficult things can be resolved. Call back and give us progress reports occasionally. It has been great having you in the Wholewoman family, and having your encouragement on hand when Members have needed it.


wishing you whatever strength you need for this difficult time, sending you lots of positive vibes, prayers and {{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}
we will miss you!
(drop in for a quickie hello when you can)

I hope all resolves soon and please don't ever feel obligated (that's what we have the mods for - lol). Seriously, it is wonderful that many different members lend their voices and experience to the forums. It's what keeps WW alive and we depend on some percentage of veterans helping newbies. What makes WW special are the especially brilliant women who have stuck with us like birds of a feather. We will love to hear from you whether next week or next year. All the many women we never hear from again we assume we have truly helped, for which no reciprocation is expected. We love what we do!

We'll be here if you need us. :)

Hi Doubtful

I was thinking of you today, remembering how kind you were when I was asking my first panicky questions a few months ago - and then I logged on and saw your message. I'm so sorry things are difficult for you at the moment and do hope you get through it all quickly.
Big hug

We will miss you, Doubtful. Sorry to hear about the trying times. When you get back you can see all the well wishes - and that we have been praying you through this!!

Hoping and praying everything is okay again and - soon!!

Ditto on the hugs and good wishes for things to be better soon. --keh