Can weight loss cause shifting of internal organs?


I have recently lost 30 lbs. and have noticed that I am feeling some "twinges" in the outer vaginal area sometimes, depending on how I am sitting or standing. It has dawned on me that, as I lose the rest of this weight (I have another 50 lbs. to go), I will probably have some shifting of all of my organs. Has anyone else experienced a large weight loss and what effect did it have on the positioning of your organs? As of now, I only have some laxness in the forward part of my vagina.

I have lost 131lbs over many years. And I can safely say - That when you lose a large amount of weight - Especially when you lose anythign quickly - It does make the prolapse worse for a short time. But - Over a month or three - The body seems to get used to it's new self and things settgle down and get better again...

I do not know where and how everythign shifted inside of me... But I do know that when I lost alot of weight fast, then plateau'd for a while, I could feel the POP more, and then suddenly it went away, or reverted back to it's normal state.

Over the years my POP and I have had our Ups and Downs, but over time, things have settled to a relatively stable and good place :-) I am sure once you have lost your weight you will find that the prolapse will settle down and all will be well :-)

Hi Happysheep

If you have ever seen one of those gruesome television programs showing actual surgery you will see how mobile our organs really are. They have to be. I don't think shifting any organs is permanent, whether a negative or positive shift, but I do think sometimes organs can get 'locked' in the wrong place by habitual bad posture, constipation or other movement limiters. Get your posture straight and get your gut emptying on a regular basis and use your body correctly and I think your organs will slowly correct their own positions, and can be helped along with nauli, firebreathing, jiggling and other inversion and/or vacuum exercises.

They can always slip out of place again, but it is easier to reposition them once they 'know' where they are supposed to be. Organs literally change shape and position if you wear constrictive corsetry 24/7, so maybe they can re-shape themselves again when we position them correctly with habitual WW posture?


Can you believe that I just now finally read your replies to my question. You answered it so well for me that I can hardly believe it. It is very reassuring to have others who have been through some of these things and aren't afraid to give you an opinion--and an encouraging one, at that! Thanks again for the help.

Thank you so much for answering my question with your personal experience! Your answer (and louiseds also) was enough to make me cry. Sometimes when so many things around us are so "unstable" and changing so much (including my weight, even though it's a good thing), it's hard to get things into perspective and it's hard to not feel uncertain about the final outcome of all of those changes! (Especially if you're a person who tends to have routines and schedules and plans, etc.) Change is always such a good thing for me but it is so UNCOMFORTABLE!

I don't know about the effects of weight loss on the organs, but I'm certain that weight GAIN can cause organ shifts. I am a very short waisted 5'3" gal who's always carried my abdominal organs rather low (according to the first gynecologist that examined me). Over the years, I've gained enough weight to where I have a significant menopot (lower pot belly). This means that my omentum (internal abdominal fat) is too large and not doing me any good. I am currently on Weight Watchers working on losing weight, esp. trimming my belly fat.

I can tell that my organs have sunk lower with the crowding going on what with my organs competing with the fat for room. My hope is that my POP will improve as my belly fat shrinks, but I don't know if that will happen. Fingers are crossed tho.

My doctor told me that my weight loss of 50 lbs over the period of one year probably did contribute to my prolapse. I noticed it basically at the one year mark of when I began to lose weight and I have maintained this weight now for 6 months. I do not feel the prolapse has improved! You have to figure that there was all this fat holding things in that's not there now. The worst is my uterine prolapse. I feel it will be the rest of my life just managing to live with it. This website is helpful but everyone is different. I would like to try the yoga dvds, but already find the positions on the WW workout unfomfortable and almost impossible to do. And another thing is trying to find the time in my busy schedule to do these exercises as well as my regular exercise and work full time! I pull up to WW posture as much as I can but its still not a habit yet. One thing I realized recently is how much sex helps to push it back up in place. Just trying to do the little things I can to manage. I'm here mostly for encouragement because everyone else out there says surgery is the way to go. Just can't bring myself to agree with them. Any helpful insights you may suggest are welcome.

Hi Sheepherder

I think the way weight loss aggravates prolapses is that all the soft tissue has been stretched with the extra fat, so the soft tissue needs to revert after weight loss. It takes two years to get over a pregnancy. I think weight loss is probably the same. Give it time. It might not ever recover completely, but your weight loss has given you the ability to be more flexible and more active, and get more out of WW posture.

I guess we would all - If we thought about it - Understand that any large amount of weight gain or loss would affect POP, maybe not a little bit at a time as the body can adjust over time - But any significant weight loss or gain can and will affect organs. But - As said above you have the rest of your life to adjust and sort it out - And you can do it.

When you put on weight things could get tighter inside as the fat is taking up the space and compressing, if you lose alot of weight there is a gap where that fat once was, so I guess if I really thouht about it - It would be a simple calculation to make.

I guess we hafta just run with the punches and use the tools we have to continue living well with prolapse and having a better life :-)

I think that with all of us our Prolapses move up and down through every hour of every day - This is somethign we work with - With the tools that WW have imparted to us, and we move with our POPs and ina way - Make friends with them - POPpy and I were once in a head on battle and now - We live prtty amicably together :-) And I know many other women on here would reiterate that liing with their POPpy is somethign that may take getting used to - But it can be done to the point where you don't even think about it really any more as you are too busy living and doing, that POP is not in every waking moment like it was in the first place.... Ya know? (Hope that makes some semblance of sense)