Newly diagnosed with a cystocele


Hello. I'm 34 and have a 4 year old and a 13 week old and have recently been diagnosed with a cystocele. I don't know the grade, but I realized I had it when I was jumping up and down and dancing with my daughter and felt like something was in between my legs. The nurse practitioner at my ob's office was pretty nonchalant about it, said it's more typical for older women but that they do see it with women who have had vaginal deliveries. She simply told me to do a lot of Kegel exercises in hopes of it not getting any worse, and that if it bothers me or I become more symptomatic, that there is a surgery. I'm not thrilled with the idea of just waiting until it gets worse, I'd like to be proactive. I'm trying not to panic, but am sad about this and overwhelmed as I have a young child and a baby to care for. Thanks for your support.

Hello! I'm going to be 33 and a mother of 3 beautiful girls. I was diagnosed with uterine prolapse, cystocele & rectocele. You are not alone :)

First, take a nice deep breath, you are in good company! Congratulations on your newest addition!!

It's normal for you to feel overwhelmed. I'd say all of us did at first, but please know, you can get better. Just take as much time as you need to heal. Have a look around the site, read, read, read (there's a wealth of knowledge here), purchase the book and DVD (if you can) & ask lots of questions!!


hi there, welcome to the forums and congrats on the new baby!
before I go any further, let me tell you that your baby is still NEW which means you are still in the postpartum phase for all intents and purposes. the body takes up to two years to recover from pg and birth, the six week thing is a myth.
also, many of us have noticed that our prolapse is at its worst at around three months postpartum. so chances are that you will improve, especially if you get proactive.
it is obvious that the nurse practitioner knows very little about non surgical management of prolapse so its a good thing you found

do not panic. find some time (hard with two kids, I know, but do it anyway) and read all you can here. start with the faq's. if you can swing it, order the dvd and/or the book. learn the posture. ask any/all questions you have.
remember to take care of yourself...meaning sleep when you can, eat well, remember to breathe and
we have been there and can testify that it can get better.
the sadness is completely normal, finding a prolapse is a loss, that's for sure. and I can relate to feeling overwhelmed. I've been there too. in retrospect, my prolapse was a gift. I learned to take care of myself physically and emotionally, which greatly enhanced my marriage and my ability to parent my children.
grieve, mourn it any way you need to. its ok to do that.
but know that grief can give way to acceptance and you will not always feel so sad/overwhelmed about this. know also that WW WORKS!! my prolapse no longer bothers me at all, I can do anything I want without it getting worse - I garden and walk and lift heavy loads. I've birthed more babies, I carry them around, chase the big ones, teach them to ride a bike and yes, even dance! its all good. you will get there.

Thank you so much for your kind words and support. It definitely helps to know I'm not alone. It feels that way, since none of my friends or family have ever talked about this! I am feeling less panicky already and am getting proactive. I've got to choose one for now, book or DVD. Which do you recommend getting first?

Has anyone been able to improve their symptoms or even eliminate them? Or am I just trying to not get worse?

Probably DVD, which will give you something you can do, but the book is much richer in detail and reasons why things happen, and you can read it on the bus, wrapped in the dust jacket from a bodice ripper. ;-)

hi mommadance
lots of women here have improved or eliminated symptoms. many women here have even reversed their prolapse to varying degrees.
I think most of us first hope for stabilization, or prevention of worsening symptoms. but then we find some degree of reversal.
I personally have nearly completely eliminated all symptoms. I just feel a tiny bit bulgy around ovulation and right before my period. and not every month either. my actual bulge is a bit smaller and higher than it was at its worst, but that doesnt bother me anymore.

as far as which to get, book or dvd, I'm more of a reader than a watcher, so I prefer the book. also I dont have a private, quiet space to view the dvd. I find holding the book and pulling it out to read bits here and there as I need to very comforting in a way that I dont find the dvd to be. but I get emotionally attached to books.
but you really cant go wrong with either one.

Hi Mommadance - I agree with Granolamom about the book, because I too have limited opportunities for viewing videos. The book is my bible and has been for almost a year and a half. I do have my first DVD on order at last, but it is the book that has sustained me thus far. Over time as you study it, you will get more and more out of it and will return to it time and time again. Only the book can give you a true understanding of the tremendous scope and amount of research Christine has done. Some of this was too technical for me the first time through, but I am starting to absorb it bit by bit. But most importantly for you, I was also able to "quick start" my own treatment with just the information in the book. Whole Woman has given me back my life. You have come to the right place, at the right time!