Maya Abdominal Massage/Sea sponge


I'm back with a few more questions.. I would love to find a Maya Message therapist here in Virginia, but there isn't one listed. I know some of you have tried it with success. You're so lucky to have someone near you that can do it.Is there any way to find out more precisely how to do the self massage?
Also, Christine, you said you didn't think the sea sponge would help much for a rectocele. I have them but haven't tried it yet. Yesterday, I had to do some lifting and pushing down with my arms (packing up shipments to go out).By the end of it, my rectocele was bulging, my legs and back ached, and I felt miserable.Of course as soon as I flopped down on the sofa, I felt better.I feel pretty desperate about this, mainly because I must work.From now until February is usually the most busy and exciting time for me. Filling Christmas orders and getting ready for upcoming trade shows has always been so energizing.I now feel like my life has taken a horrible turn for the worse. I still haven't gone to the doc. I guess I'm just not ready to hear what I already know. I ordered your book last week and it should be here today. I hoping it will offer me some positive ideas and more I can do to help myself. I'm not used to this feeling of being out of control and the idea of losing my livelihood to this "slipping down life" has me feeling pretty lousy. Guess I need propping up in more ways than one today :) It doesn't help that one of my dogs died last week,
either.Sorry to be such a downer..
Me...Gone to the dogs

Hi Lynda,


I did check the MM website, there isn't really an email link to anyone or anything specific (except for links to classes) I googled it a few times looking for someone in my area (I am willing to drive) but still nothing, and no way to ask anyone.It looks like the closest practitioner is in Wash. DC. Too far to drive for repeated treatments.
Thanks for your help.

Hi Lynda,
You can learn how to do the mayan massage,yourself from the book, Rain Forest Home Remedies, by Rosita Arvigo and Nadine Epstein. You can purchase this book from I have the book and have found it quite interesting and informative.
I have a friend who has a rectocele and she uses the posture and a v2 supporter belt which she says helps her quite a bit. She doesn't do a lot of lifting like you do but who knows.
Sorry to hear about the loss of your dog.
Take care.

Thanks so much for the info. I feel like a dope for not checking Amazon. I went ahead and ordered the book.
Thanks again,