Mayan abdominal massage


Has anyone had this done? I had a few sessions years ago when I was going through infertility. My theory on why it might be helpful is that one thing the therapist did was find knots of tension in my abdomen and then work to release them. Keeping my abdomen relaxed is proving to be extremely difficult for me so I'm thinking this might be helpful for that. But I certainly don't want to make anything worse. Do we know if it is ok to do?

my mw showed me how to do a version of this (I say a version of because I have no idea if she was an officially trained practitioner) and it felt really good. I was doing it on and off without any noticeable (positive or negative) effects. had to stop 'cuz of the iud :(
there was talk here on this topic a while back, try typing it into the search engine. I dont think you can do any irreparable harm with it.