

Hello! I have been doing the exercises and reading the book for a over week now----very sore but happy to have begun!
I am interested in the yoga video--never have done yoga but want to try. Need some advice on this. I am so un-limber (word?) with the exercises that I wonder if I'll ever stretch out like the ladies in the video! thought yoga might help? Any advice will be helpful and thank you in advance. Thank you all for being here--I check in several times a day!

Hi Reborn,

Gosh, it so depends on personal preference and ability. We need to get more clips up in the store so it will be easier to choose between the different videos.

I love WWYoga - the first wheel. I do the program almost every day, as it works on all aspects of strength and flexibility, as well as moving the organs forward.

The new WWYoga - the second wheel (coming Monday!) is even a more challenging flexibility program. I am thinking it will be best for younger women and postpartum moms.

Hope this helps some..


gotta be quick.
to gain flexibility you MUST work every day. Do not miss a day. Give yourself at least half an hour.
Do it first thing and you will be more conscious of it throughout the day.
and as to the yoga. Go for it! You'll love the mind body connection (or well, I do anyway).
Interesting that. The mind body connection. How do you feel in your thinking and feeling? Flexible? or maybe a bit stiff. Its' worth exploring.

Oh Alemama, you are such a task mistress!!

Of course you are right about doing half an hour a day, but I would be saying, just do *some* yoga every day and give yourself a pat on the back. It is more important to do a little every day than to do a lot once or twice a week. Doing some is better than doing none, even if it is only 5 minutes, though 30 minutes would be much better. Then don't beat yourself up if you fall short.

It is just like learning a musical instrument or riding a bike. It is brain exercise as much as body exercise.

Do it often.


As someone who used to have to be very flexible for a living, I also say, stretch every day! In my understanding, when you stretch you cause teeny tiny tears in the muscle fibers. These tears rebuild quickly. If you only stretch occasionally, they revert back to how they were, or worse, they "bulk up" leaving you stiffer than before ( this is why body builders work out on rotating schedules -- resting after breaking down muscle fibers results in bulkier muscles than daily lifting to produce a "wirey" look). Daily stretching causes continuous "tearing" and allows the muscle fibers to regenerate longer, more supple, and "new." Personally, I like to stretch at night while reading or watching tv. I am not so stiff as in the a.m. and it helps me relax for sleep. Plus, that way you make yourself have a set time -- stretch during that whole half hour tv program or for 2 book chapters. Stretching can also be incorporated into your day -- get creative and touch your toes while waiting for the toast, or calf stretch while brushing your teeth, etc. Flexibility requires dedication for sure, but does reward you by getting easier the more you practice!