Just discovered something new about pop



I don't often visit/ post these days as pop just seems like a minor niggle, thanks to all the whole women who've helped me. However, I think I've made a new discovery about how a urethrocele can behave depending on time of month.

I have been convinced for a year that I only had one pop = a small urethrocele, and that is what my doctor thought too. However, because it generally only 'peeked' in the week following a period, I thought that I contradicted the general rule for pop and cyclical changes, and that mine was better in the last half of a cycle and worse in the first.

However, I've just discovered that the week before and the week of my period my cervix is a bit lower that usual - not much, but enough that I'm aware of it. At this time my urethrocele behaves beautifully: tucked up inside. Then in the first half of the cycle, it peeks out again, I feel 'more poppy' but my cervix has moved back up a bit. So, hard to say when I'm 'best', but I'm rarely that bad either way. Emotionally, perhaps the cervix thing feels a bit more unsettling.

Does this make sense from an anatomical point of view? Maybe most pre-meno women have cervixes that are a bit lower before and during their periods ( I've always been too squeamish to check before). Maybe this is normal or maybe I have minor uterine pop at that time. If a cervix edges down a bit then, could it open the vagina a bit so that a small fold/ urethrocele at the introitus went a bit more horizontal and tucked inside.?When the cervix rose back up a bit, would the vagina close completely ( with ww posture,) and would that little fold sort of hang more?

I'd be interested to see if I've added anything to our understanding here. I'm not too worried either way myself as my pop ( or perhaps pops?) are minor and have very little impact on my life now I know I'm doing the right things to stop them becoming major, but this might be of help to some other women, ( probably only with small, low down celes)?


Hi Doubtful, I am so glad you have discovered this. It could be that your cervix is sort of pushing your anterior vaginal wall further forwards, ie having a pessary effect.

This is what we talk about with nature's pessary. The organs all try and get down the plughole at the same time, and in crowding the area, prevent your urethrocele from impinging on the vaginal space.

The fascial supports for each of the bladder, uterus and rectum are all joined, but loose, because each of these organs has to be able to distend indepently of the others, and move to different positions to accommodate pregnancy, a full bladder and the digestion process. So there is an anatomical reason why.

I feel sure that the female pelvic organs are continually rearranging themselves during the month, particularly in perimenopause when our hormones get kind of carried away, and their effects seem to be bigger, as if larger amounts of hormones are secreted in an effort to 'make' the ovary ovulate. I found menstrual cramping, bleeding and PMS all worsened as I got closer to menopause, then it all just tailed off again, like my body became resigned that my ovaries would not produce any more eggs, so my hypothalamus and pituitary simply went off in a sook and refused to try any more!

Keep observing what your body is doing. This is the only way you can understand how and where your organs are moving.