Considering 2nd pregnancy


Hi - I'm new to the site & have read thru a few recent posts, but didn't see anything that addressed pregnancy specifically.
I have Stage 1 prolapse (uterus & bladder) following the vaginal birth of my now 2-yr old daughter. I've ordered the DVD from this site, but haven't rec'd it yet. I'm considering a 2nd pregnancy & was wondering if anyone has any successful techniques they used while pregnant with prolapse to prevent it from getting worse. Also, what your thoughts are regarding vaginal delivery vs C-Section for the next child.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

lots of us have had babies after finding a prolapse
the techniques I used are best if begun BEFORE pg. get a handle on the prolapse now, learn what helps, what makes it worse. learn the posture so you can maintain it as long as possible during pg and get right back into it after the birth. most importantly for me, was to trust my body and these techniques so that if the prolapse gets worse pp I know I can help it get better again.
my thoughts about c/s vs natural delivery.......natural, all the way! by that I mean no lying flat on your back with legs pulled up in stirrups purple pushing against a numb perineum. uh uh. but active and well supported birth in hands/knees or standing or in a tub with a mw (or unassisted) is fine even with a prolapse. c/s just further damages your fascia and presents all kinds of other risks to mother and baby to justify for hoping not to irritate a prolapse.
for pg related posts, look for some of the older ones. look for posts announcing births and then track that mama's posts.

oh, just realized I didnt answer your question, which techniques. mostly the Wholewoman posture, firebreathing and nauli, though you cant do firebreathing and nauli while pg.

Just have a nano second -- track me (I'll be posting an update in another 2-4 weeks) and cararosesmum, I think we are the most recent pg after prolapse, and alemama, fullofgrace, and granolamom who have each had 2 babies after prolapse. (There are TONS more ladies, i just can't recall names atm). Your prolapse will most likely disappear during pg, and not worsen after. Give yourself a good amount if time to get familiar with WW before becoming pg, so you will really know how to help yourself after. Also, c-section is not proven to protect against prolapse. Your fascia is cut, and your uterus is taken completely out of your body then stuffed back in during the procedure. I have seen many -- it ain't pretty. This is major surgery on par with organ transplant and should be reserved for life-threatening situations. Have a vaginal, unmedicated, zero intervention birth if you can -- that is truly protective of your organs! Have that baby! You'll be fine!

Thanks for your reply & advice! One more question - where is the best place to learn the firebreathing & nauli techniques? I just bought the "First Aid for Prolapse" DVD, but haven't rec'd it yet - are these covered on the DVD?
Thanks again!

Yes, on the DVD. You can also check out nauli on Youtube. Quite weird when done to the extreme.