I have a question about Mirena


Can I still be able to put a Mirena in my vagina when I have a Uterine prolapse?

This is a question for your doctor, really. Since Mirena is inserted into your uterus, not your vagina, your ability to have one would depend on your ability to tolerate hormonal methods of birth control as well as perhaps the stage of your prolapse. Again, only a doctor can assess this. Try putting Mirena and IUD in the search box to see what other women's experiences have been.

definitely agree that this is a good question for your health care provider.
but also wanted to add that I have a copper IUD (as opposed to the mirena) with no problems. I think the IUD placement is the same regardless of which device you have.

will also tell you that I find it upsetting to my uterus (read: spotting and cramping) when I do nauli with the IUD. and that is highly upsetting to me, but whatever.
not saying that will happen to you, just sharing my experience with IUDs (and fwiw, my dr looked at me as though I had three heads when I asked about nauli and menstrual cups with regard to the IUD. I never asked him about my POP, he never mentioned it if he even noticed)

Doctors are not immune from sensivitivity to TMI. They don't know everything. :-)


lol, you make me chuckle, louise.
and I think you hit that nail right on the head, the dr looked like he wished I never mentioned the menstrual cup, he seemed pretty grossed out by it (had no idea what it was or why a woman would even want to use it 'when there are tampons available'). so you're right, not immune to tmi! although, I do think that while discussing menstrual cups, iuds and pop is tmi at a dinner party, it is totally up for grabs in the context of an obgyn visit.

Absolutely! He showed his ignorance, didn't he? They sometimes don't know enough about things they should be aware of. That's why we need to be informed ourselves. They are after all human, and don't know everything.

oh, I have no problem with a dr being unfamiliar with a divacup (or sea sponges for that matter). and I totally agree that we need to be informed ourselves, which is probably why the question about mirena was asked here in the first place.
and its why I answered. just adding my anectodal experience to the growing body of information. its very hard to come by information of this sort, as many of us know.