Constipation remedy.


As I continue to aquaint myself with this forum, I keep reading about constipation issues and how it interfers terribly with POP. I thought I would share something I discovered a year ago that has been a godsend for me regarding this issue. I'm not trying to outright sell a given product, but thought I'd pass along what has been a very helpful remedy for this issue.

The product is called Colon Helper. Here's a link:

It is made from several herbs, including Slippery elm and Aloe which I've seen mentioned here. I checked with my Dr. who checked every ingredient to see if there were any drug interactions. There were none of any concern and nothing that caused her concern.

The recommended dose is 2 caps daily. I only take 1 and I have 2-3 soft BMs every day. At first I only took 1 cap every few days as I didn't want to be in the bathroom all the time (which could happen if you start on the full dose right away). I believe as my retrocele began to rear its head, I began having a bit more difficulty eliminating my bowels, so I am now at a comfortable dose of 1/daily to keep things moving well.

This product is not a colon cleanser, but initially will help you get rid of waste that has been inside you for awhile, so it may seem like you're being cleaned out. Just adjust the dose to allow you to eliminate as often as is normal for you.

I also eat a high fiber more whole food diet as much as possible and I drink a lot of water. That makes a huge difference too. If I lean toward more bad carbs and less water in a given day, I may not go, even with Colon Helper.

Anyway, for what it's worth, this has helped my tremendously.

I will surely look into this product. thanks!

Cecilly, thank you for suggesting this. I have been wanting to try something herbal along these lines, and a recommendation is helpful. I too will start with 1 per day, regardless of what the bottle suggests. I'll let you know how everything "comes out"!

I spoke to my homeopath and she suggested another product (unfortunately the one you mentioned is not avaialable in the UK), it is called the Guna Bowel (
I have not tried it yet.
Best Wishes,